Wednesday, November 13, 2013

11/12/13 2k Row Time Trial

The 2k row was intended for AM.  Was up at 3:30 and flight at 7:20 out of AVL but straightened up the house and prepped meals for Corey through the AM and didn't have time to get mentally prepped for this one.  

Traveled to AZ. Ate some meatloaf, homemade baked goods & lara bar in morning and then finished eating at 1p AZ time.  No nap on the plane, but lots of programming completed! 

Training @ 3:45p.  Felt hungry, but was necessary to be mostly empty.  

Got in a long aerobic warm-up with 3-5 30s start practices on rower.  goal was to hold 1:59 and go for it at the end.  Was nervous about that, but have been feeling good on row repeats in recent weeks. 

Focused in 5 strokes at a time.  Really worked to not let myself get preoccupied with how far I was or how far I had to go and/or the time.  Felt my mind want to wander a few times, but was able to hone it back in and just kept focused on the steady strokes.  

Felt really good.  Picked it up during the last 500m & honestly had my eyes closed for much of it (I know, I gotta accept that shit, but I get freaked out and start having judgement when I see certain paces that seem too fast for me.  :)  Mike was there the last half keeping me steady and then started calling off every 100m in the final 500m so I just kept picking it up and finding more gears.  Was pulling 1:47ish near the end.  

Recovery was solid.  Walked it off.  Lots of disbelief & elation after…"wow, can't believe i did that & didn't die"…."never would have thought I could do that"…."That felt really good."  Makes me hungry and filled with wonder for what's to come.  Always learning!  :) 

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