Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Reindeer Games 12/15/12

Event #1: 
5 minutes to max load bear complex
135lbs, 155lbs (mis-labeled in video as 165lbs), 165lbs missed final jerk from back.  Had ~50s left at this point.  Rested ~20s and attempted again this time missing front rack jerk. 
Tied for second place with 2 others. Winning load of 175lbs. 

Event #2
For time:
20 snatches @ 95lbs
40 pistols
10 rope climbs 15'
6:36-1st place
First 15 snatches ub then 5 singles. pistols steady & ub.  Rope climbs were toughest part.  grip was killer at the end. Need to work on my feet positioning on rope climbs...

Event #3
3 Rounds for time:
10 deadlifts @ 155lbs
15 pull-ups
20 wall balls 14#/10'
6:01-2nd place (1st place 5:51)
Definitely my worst showing of the day.  Head wasn't right for wall balls.  It was a half-assed effort.  A bit of an upper limiter for me here...meaning I know I can do better if I would just stop doubting myself and own it! 
Flying high over the bar on pull-ups.  Need to relax a bit more on the BF kip to tighten it down for non C2B reps. 

For whatever reason the video is not embedding, but you can view it here. 

Event #4
10, 9, 8....1
Push jerk 95lbs
Box jump 24"
Overall it was a well run event. Except for getting behind on event #3 by about 40 minutes and then starting event #4 20 minutes early.  It was a flash back to Event #4 at Regionals with poor warm up for 95# push jerks.  I was still in my head a bit at the start of this one.  My had has been ripped open on the palm since Monday's bar muscle-ups and it was bleeding after the pullup event today...not from rubbing on the bar, but just the tension of hanging from the bar split it open, as it falls right on the crease of my hand. I did a poor job of attacking this workout... the barbell was hurting my ripped hand & I was in a "oh woe is me" type of mindset.  You can hear Corey yelling at me the whole time in the video, "just accept it..."  I wanted to be mad at him and tell him to shut-up, but I knew I needed to hear it so I accepted his encouragement.  :)  
I broke up the round of 9 and almost really fell apart, but then I got back into it and started feeling less sorry for myself. 
6:16 -second place 
Ended up being tied for first overall.  We got to do a 1k row tie-breaker.  Which I guess makes up for me cutting my two 500m intervals short on Tuesday.  haha Below is the strong lady I got to go up against.  She pulled 3:39 and I rowed a PR of 4:00.3.  I don't know my 500m split as my eyes were closed, but I was pulling right around 1:58/2:00 for most...dropped off to around 2:04 for bit of the second half, but then picked it back up.  I'm breaking 4 minutes next time. If my screen had been set to "Projected finish time" screen display option I probably would have broke it this time....most importantly I'm fixing my mental game!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe how unbelievably easy you made a 165# bear complex look... very impressive lady!
