Friday, July 5, 2013

CGBP, 20 snatches 77%

Saturday 6/29/13
Sleep: 9p-4:30a.  Up once around 1am for about 20 minutes.

Doing what I missed for Thursday PM.  Do this is way out of order.
AM: CGBP: Build to a 1RM: 75, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145F, 140, 145F
5lbs less than incline bench, but I believe previous best was 135. 

Afternoon: 30 minutes of push mowing.  The old school kind with no motor.  It kind of looks like you cut your lawn with a flowbee.

Evening: Making up from what I didn't finish last Saturday.
A. Built to a snatch 1RM. Well, built til 115 and then started missing but still going up b/c it felt like I should have had it & well, I guess I'm more stubborn than I'd like to admit sometimes. :)  Too misses at 120, 2 misses at 125, 2 misses at 130.  Called it.

 B. 77% of max (used percentage based off last week's 133lbs. So used 105lbs): 20 reps for time.
Rep, Time
F, 3
1. 12s
2. 22
3. 30
4. 42
5. 51
6. 1:01
7. 1:18
8. 1:33
9. 1:44
10. 2:00
11. 2:12
12. 2:23
13. 2:33
14. 2:48
F. 3:02
15. 3:27
F 3:37
16. 3:52
17. 4:08
18. 4:20
19. 4:33
20. 4:44
21. 4:54...Didn't know exactly what rep I was on so did an extra. :) 
Kept pulling early and getting drag on my thighs.  

+75 minute walk in woods with dogs & Corey.
Typically I can be quite stubborn to taking advice from my husband particularly around training, but tonight was helpful.  My right hip and left knee were mildly bothersome during the heavy lifts so we had a conversation around how many reps I took last Saturday and now this Saturday that I missed and how deep I am digging every time I try to get myself jazzed up to hit a rep in training despite having already missed and not either going back down or calling it.  I know this, but we can often forget.  Noted and moving forward.

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