Sunday, October 27, 2013

10/25 & 10/26 OC Throwdown Week 2

EMOM for 24 min
minute 1 - 3 continental cleans tough -axle if you have one?
First time doing these.  Could have just power cleaned the axle, but the belly to the front rack flip is tough.  I'm not strong in that lumbar/thoracic extension needed for this so it's really good to work on.  Had some good rib cage & trunk MT work following this session.  

minute 2 - 5 burpees
minute 3 - 4 unb muscle-ups  Took this out due to OC Throwdown Qualifier workout tomorrow. 
EMOM for 22 min
odd - 9 kb swings 1.5pd
even - 2 pHSPU tough depth
Done...shortened the rest to finish by the time I needed to coach.  KB overhead position isn't great.  pHSPU feeling good even though Rt. shoulder feeling funky lowering into the bottom.  Anterior felt area that was bothersome after Monday's pullups.  Did 3 sets to 25lb plate + mat, then only to the mat then all the way to the floor mat for the last 4 sets.  (last couple of sets in video) 

50m swim @ hard aer pace
rest 30 sec

Done.  Focused on using legs more & must be getting a bit better as legs were fatigued for the first time following a swim session.  Particularly in lateral hammies.  Couldn't see clock for exact times well but ~ 50+ seconds per set.  Felt more sustainable than last week. 

10/26 Switched AM session for PM and replaced the AM for OC Throwdown Week 2 Qualifier in PM.  
4 rounds for time - faster pre round, record and show it:
0.4 mile AD
15 burpees
12 chin ups
10 box jump step-downs 24"

PM 7:30am
A. Hang squat snatch clusters- high hang;; rest 20 sec/rest 3 min

High hang is tough for me and Rt. Ant shoulder was bit bothersome so went conservative here and avoided having any misses.  Did 3 sets since it didn't say.  65, 75, 85lbs.  If I didn't have a bunch of OHS in the PM I would have called the first 1 or 2 sets warm-up, but opted to keep the overhead volume low. 
For time:
bar muscle-ups all UB.  Faster transitions than last week...rechalked for 4s, but then got myself right on the bar for 3, 2, 1. 
heavy stone to shoulder Used 95lbs.  115 was next choice and couldn't do it in skill work Wednesday so stuck with 95 which didn't seem too tough. 
wall balls 30# to 10 ft  All singles that dropped to the ground.  These were tough.  I had to jump hard to reach the target! 

6:52 overall and a really fun workout! 

Late afternoon hike of 80 minutes then home to change and walk to gym for OC Throwdown Qualifier. 
AMRAP in 8 minutes
20 OHS @ 65lbs ub
20 Pull-ups ub
20 OHS @ 95lbs ub
20 C2B pull-ups  1,5,F,4, 10
20 OHS @ 105lbs 7,6,7
20 Muscle-ups F, 1F, F, 1, F 
AMRAP OHS @ 115lbs in any remaining time. 

Was after 7pm by the time I got to the gym.  And was there solo.  Despite I was excited for the workout.  When I first saw the workout I was dreading the OHS, but then I realized on the hike today that I love squat snatches yet despise OHS.  SO, I decided to focus on the squat snatch & then just hang on for AMRAP OHSs.  That helped me not dread putting the bar overhead.  (Oh, the head games I have to play with myeslf.  :) 
In the end, OHS went better than I expected & C2Bs and especially MUs were much harder than expected.  Haven't done many MUs under fatigue recently and man, my arms didn't have any pull.  The UB set of OHS @ 95lbs was an AMRAP PR at that load.  Can't recall more than 12-13 ub in the past when we've done AMRAPs at 95.  Perhaps that dug me a bit too deep, as I then struggled to get coordinated on the C2Bs.  And just had no pull for MUs.  Probably should have taken the time to lower the rings as they were high and I didn't get into the false grip with the jump and then my pull was weak and couldn't get high enough.  Haven't missed this many MUs in a long time.  Good learning.  Onward. 

Off-Started female cycle in the middle of the night on Saturday.  Cramps MUCH better than typical. Took 2 advil & essentially full relief.  Cycle was full two weeks late.  First time in a long time that I recall cycle being this far off & I was starting to wonder... but then again this is the first time I'm actually tracking it.  Gotta love phone apps.  lol 

Training10/23 & 10/24

60 min Z1 and skill work - flow and RTW
Feel like I am the worst free play person.  Did a set of 1-arm DB OHS which make me sweat & shake like crazy @ 12lbs.  A few handstands with shoulder tap play which was not too successful today. Then a couple KB windmills, bar dips, walking lunges.  Not sure what else.  Occupied ~40 minutes of time before MT session. 

45 min AD Z1 - off every 5 min to do 5 burpees - can be a hike here instead if needed

Done.  421 cals.  Easy effort. 

Based upon conversation this week we switched the AM/PM Thursday sessions. 
AD 30 sec @85%
AD 30 sec @50%
rest walk 2 min
x5 - increase avg watts per set of 6
The averages did increase, but was at much lower effort than last week.  Feeling a bit run down.  The 50% were 48-55 RPMs and the 85% were 56-65ish RPMs.  Exact numbers were erased off whiteboard before I noted.  Total cals in the 6 minutes went from ~63 to 76 over the sets if I remember correctly. 

PM Longer morning of coaching than normal.  5:30a-10a.  Trainign @ 11:30am.  Feeling a bit sluggish. 
A1. Back squat @85% 1RM for 2 reps; rest 20 sec  Done @ 190lbs.  Felt better than the singles last week. Wore my knee sleeves this week which seems to make a difference with change of direction in the bottom. 
A2. 5 hurdles high knees rebounding; rest 20 sec  28-33ish ft. 
A3. jumping BS - 33% 1RM - 5 reps; explode off ground through heels; rest 20 sec  done @ 75lbs
A4. Band Assisted MAX VJ - explode hip extension - 6-8 reps; rest 4 min x 5 sets - pick at bottom on set up  Not exactly sure that I did it right, but it was a lot of fun...perhaps less arm assistance.  :) 

For time:
30 squat clean thrusters @60% FS 1RM - go for it

Done @ 123lbs.  Seem to struggle with those "go for it" cues.  15 in 4:22, 30 in 8:08.   Was intimidated by this weight today & not all that aggressive.  

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Sleep 7:30p-3am, + afternoon 45 min light nap
A. Back squat @20X1; 4-4-4-4-4, rest 2 min - moderate
155, 165, 165, 165, 155.  The 3rd 165 felt tough, but then the 155 felt smooth.  

B. Snatch balance 3-3-3-3-3, rest 2 min - bldg sets

75, 85, 95, 105, 110.  Had some misses in there at 75lbs, 105-missed coming down onto my back for 2nd rep and then started cleaning it to the rack in b/w.  The Rt. shoulder wasn't having that eccentric portion.  Used blocks on final set at 110.  Would back squat off low blocks, snatch bal it and then drop it b/w reps. 
5 sets - same/set:
12 CTB chin ups
0.2 mile AD
10 burpees paced
rest 2 min
1:28, 1:32, 1:30, 1:29, 1:24
Right shoulder a bit bothersome on pull-ups. 

A. Power clean 63% 1RM TnGx3 EMOM for 10 min 113lbs
B. Snatch grip deadlift @31X1; 3-4x4; rest 2 min - use straps, low back/scap tight!
135, 155, 175, 185 x 4 195lbs x 3. Felt good. 
C. GH raises @21X1; 8-8-8-8; rest 1 min - add weight under chin to adapt to 8's

Hammies are quite sore from Saturday.  Did first two BW only then 5lbs, 10lbs. Tough. 

Sleep ~8:30-4:30 + ~45 min afternoon nap. 
row 500m @1:59
rest 3 min
Done, Exact splits not on me. All 1:58.9-1:59.5 with S/M 26-30 ave of 28/29.  First completed row repeats w/out day before ice cream in as long as I can recall.  Still had over 200g in Carbs, but trying the rice/oatmeal/root veggies route a bit to see how I feel with it. 

A. Press Waveload @2111; 4-3-2-4-3-2; rest 2 min
85, 90, 95, 90, 95, 100

B1. Push jerk 3-3-3-3; rest 10 sec
Rt. shoulder not happy, didn't want to try & handle eccentric so used blocks for these. 
115, 125, 135, 135. That short rest kills me. 

B2. amrap kipping hspu in 40 sec; 4 sets; rest 1 min
20, 15, 8 (5+3, wussed out), 15 (10+5)

3 rounds for time:
20m hs walk
1 legless rope climb 15'
20 burpees
1 legless rope climb 15'

HS walks slow.  ~6:20, 12:50, 19:52 overall 


AD 30 sec @85%
AD 30 sec @50%
rest walk 2 min
x5 - increase avg watts per set of 5
Set 50%/85% RPMs

1. 48-51/60-66 Ave 62
2. 49-52/65-69 Ave 67
3. 49-55/69-74 Ave 71
4. 49-56/71-76 Ave 73
5. 44-53/75-79 Ave 76-perhaps a bit over 85%

A1. Back squat @85% 1RM; rest 20 sec  190lbs.  Tough. 
A2. 5 rebounding broad jumps; rest 20 sec - high knee jumps ~30' per set
A3. jumping BS - 30% 1RM - 5 reps; explode off ground through heels; rest 20 sec 68lbs
A4. Freeze Box Jumps - jump up to 90% max height; step down; rest 3 sec x 6/set; rest 3 min x 5 sets  35"

For time:
40 db thrusters 45# - go for it

8/13/17/22/25/30/34/37/40 4:55 (2:35 @ halfway)

EMOM for 24 min
minute 1 - 3 power cleans off blocks - waveload/set 135, 135, 145, 135, 135, 145, 145, 150
minute 2 - 5 box jumps 30" 
minute 3 - 3/amrap unbroken muscle-ups per set - 3 one min, amrap next time, 3 ..., amrap...


EMOM for 22 min Didn't do with OC THrowdown Qualifier having a bunch of light DLs & burpees over bar. 
odd - 4 TnG deadlifts 165#
even - 10 pushups

50m swim @ hard aer pace
rest 30 sec

Done, 53-55s per set. 

OC Throwdown Qualifier workout 

AMRAP in 14 minutes
10 burpees over bar (funny standards, hand release burpee parallel to bar, then bar facing to jump over with fully extended hips. ) 
15 hand-release Deadlifts @ 110lbs.  Had to control it down and then flash fingers. 
20 Wall Balls 14#/10'

Got through 5 rounds and 6 WBs of the 6th round.  Burpees were the worst and for the first time EVER WBs were the best part.  I did 4 of the 5 completed rounds UB.  Round 2 I bobbled on rep 7 & then right back to it.  Burpees were just "poor me this sucks" time where I was stepping back (despite Becca's encouragement to jump) after round 1.  difference maker there.  All DLs UB & unremarkable.  Just had to keep deciding to hold on to the bar & stand up. I was pretty cashed at the end. 

Rest 5-7 minutes then did 
14 min EMOM in place of 22 min EMOM from yesterday 
odd - 4 TnG deadlifts 165#
even - 10 pushups

Short rest and then...
For time - hold steady till AD then go hot: -
600m row Slow ~ 2:15-2:20 pace
30 double unders Grabbed wrong rope & was tripping nearly every other rep.  
15 toes to bar UB
400m row Touch better -~ 2:10ish
10 power cleans 95# UB TnG 
0.5 mile AD I had no idea how long this would take.  Thought maybe under a minute & went hot-as I could but then lost steam.  AD part took about 1:25ish and I've totally blanked out the overall time.  It's written down at the gym. 10+

PM was locked out of my own gym Saturday PM. Literally.  lost key that I hadn't loaned out.  Couldn't reach any nearby coaches so did Sunday AM. 
A. Hang squat snatch clusters - below knee; 3.3.3x3; rest 30 sec/rest 3 min

95 1,1,1. F,1,1. 1, 1, 1. 
105 3x3
115 1FF, 1F1, 1, 1, 1. +

For time:
front squat 135# from ground-ub FS 
low bar muscle-ups

7:30 -slow transitions


10/15, 10/16

row 500m @1:59
rest 3 min

A. Press @2111; 6-5-4-6-5-4; rest 90 sec
75, 85, 95, 85, 95, 100
B1. Push press 2-2-2-2; rest 15 sec

115, 120, 125, 130
B2. 15-20 kipping hspu; 4 sets; rest 1 min

20, 20, 16, 16
For time:
15 hr pushups
3 rope climbs 15'
15 wall walks 
3 rope climbs 15'
50m hs walk
3 rope climbs 15'
15 hr pushups


Sleep 830/9-430
60 TGU not for time - 1pd
645a 1st 30 in ~10 minutes
3 sets of 3 per side, 2 per side

coached 2 hrs, MT session 
then the 2nd 30 
1 set of 3 per side then 6 sets of 2 per side in ~ 21 minutes...more talking this half.  :)

Rest ~ 30 minutes then..
PM 11:30 am
45 min AD Z1 - off every 5 min to run 100m easy and 10 air squats

Done RPM ave 54-56 421 cals 

Evening hike plus Casey's XC meet where she took 3rd in the Conference in a PR of 18:53!  


10/14- Sleep ~ 10/1030-3/4a. Opening.  Struggle to fall asleep when I have early alarm.  Get anxious. 
A. Back squat @20X1; 5-5-5-5, rest 2 min
155, 165, 175, 180x4 

B. Squat snatch 3-3-3-3, rest 2 min
105x2, 115x3, 120x3, 120x3 w/miss on 3rd rep then added 1
10 rounds for time:
6 CTB chin ups
6 burpees
1. 27s
2. 57s
3. 1:26
4. 1:57
5. 2:29
6. 300
7. 3:31
8. 4:02
9. 4:3?
10. 4:59

A. Power clean 60% 1RM TnGx3 EMOM for 10 min
done @ 110
B. Clean pull x1 + CGDL x2; 5 sets; rest 2 min 175, 185, 195, 205, 210.  Right "knee pit" tight on last 2 sets. 
C. KB swings 1.5pd; 21 reps; 4 sets; rest 1 min Done 40s each.  Grip became tough last set.

Anniversary & BeerCity BeatDown Weekend 10/11-10/13

On Friday the 11th Corey & I celebrated 5 years of marriage.  We did so by taking a hike out to new territory to overlook Table Rock.  It was an incredible spot.  So many great places to visit in WNC!
Saturday the 12th was a local team competition called the BeerCity BeatDown.  It was the first annual and a very well run event.  The first event was 20 minutes for the four of us to build to a max snatch & C&J.  I was excited to share a bar with my teammate Kate Carson in our first team event & used that energy to add 10lbs to my previous snatch PR.  The build up went: 85, 105, 115, 125, 135 (tied PR), 145-nailed it. 155-had it overhead, but no go.  Tried one more at 150 moved on.  When I first approached the 155 bar I had a moment of distraction, as I looked down & realized I had never pulled up my knee sleeves.  It obviously didn't matter, but man, I can't allow those simple little distractions, as I felt myself lose the energy of the focus.
C&J was not as good as the OPTathlon.  Opened with the 150 then jumped to 175 which was solid.  Went to 185 & missed the jerk...twice.  Worked hard on the clean both times.  Went down to 180 in the final minute and hit there.  The last time I totaled was in 2010 at the AO & my C&J was 70kg/151lbs.  There was an individual component to event one taking BW & age into the scoring.  After days of sorting it out it turned out that I took 2nd to a masters lifter...3 more years & I get credit as a masters lifter.
There were 3 more events: #2. my leg was 30 H/R push-ups, 30 pistols (where you were allowed to cheat & wrap your leg which I found was easier so we were all doing it to not disadvantage ourselves & they essentially turned into jumping pistols which was interesting) & 250m row.  That buried me for a bit.  Pulled 1:40/1:41 and found another gear the last 15s or so to get it reading 1:38/1:39.  That was fun.  Afterwards I cashed out with my dog for a bit.  

 Next event: 300, DUs, then 100 thrusters (75), KBS (53), Box jumps 24", OH WL 35lbs/100ft.  
Did ~100 double unders UB to finish out the 300 for the team, then like a set of 20 & 15 thrusters, 30 KBS, two sets of 20 or so box jumps & the walking lunge.  We didn't quite finish the 15 min time cap. 
Final event was one pair runs track (men w/med ball) then each do 25 OHS synchronized, the other pair runs and then each do 25 synchronized SDHP (75lbs) and end with each person doing 2 sets of 10 bar facing burpees.  

2010 Garage Games our last Team Comp

Vs now.  

All in all it was a fun day & our team took 3rd overall.  If anything I realized how much less demanding (at least this particular) team competition relative to individual.  The whole work hard, rest while your teammates work was pretty great!  But I'm back to the individual game.  :) 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Week of 10/8

10/8-Final day in AZ for this trip. Mid-am swim with Meg & JT then an afternoon hike ~60 min with JT & Danny. 

10/9-Arrived in AVL later in the day on the 8th.  Slept horribly last night & was up early to coach. 

mid day
row 20 sec @85%  done.  Never got below 1:53ish pace. 
rest 20 sec
row 2k hard increasing pace per 500m

The 2:02 pace felt conservative for the first 200m or so and then I realized how empty I felt & realized how little I'd eaten in past 36hrs or so specifically low on carbs which never has a good result on the rower.  Rather than beat myself up and kill myself trying to increase I just accepted it and went at ~80% effort.  
5 min AD cooldown
Done & home to bed. 
PM-not feeling it. 

A. Snatch - build to a max   
65, 85, 95, 105, 115, F x 3 @ 125

B. Clean and jerk 2-1-1 @80% effort, rest 90 sec  135, 145, 155
C. CGBP - build to a tough triple 85, 105, 115, 125, 1 @ 135
3 rounds for time:
5 sumo deadlift high pull 75# ub
10 push press 105# ub 1st set then 6 & 4 2nd & 3rd
3 rope climbs 15' 12" rope
20m OH walking lunges 35# plate ub x 3
2:30 Rnd 1, 6ish, 8:47 

10/10-Energy a bit better, but still feelign run down. 
EMOM for 18 min
odd - 5 power clean TnG moderate 115, 120x6 125 x 2
even - 5 power snatch TnG tough 85, 90, 95 x 6, 100 x 1 
This got me more winded than I was expecting. +
EMOM for 18 min
odd - 10m hs walk Done for 30ft & all ub except for 2nd to last set.  Took almost exactly 27s for all sets even when I broke at ~ 27ft. 
even - 10 hr pushups done, felt fast and strong. 

7k row Z1

Somehow I overlooked the Z1 part?? Probably feelign guilty for the poor 2k effort earlier in wk. 

AD 1 min @85%  62-65 RPM
AD 1 min @50%  55ish RPM

Team competition. Note & photos to follow. 


OPTathlon 5.0 ...A Shift in Perspective

Wow, two weeks since my 5th OPTathlon.  Maybe I can hit the key points...

Going in I had a good feeling.  Training had been going well & I was having some good mental/emotional growth for myself.  After the 500m row PRs earlier in the week my curiosity was peaked for what I could do on the 500m row repeats.  Two days out I was excited for the row repeats...a bit dreadful, but mostly excited!   That in & of itself is big growth for me!  I recall OPTathlon 2.0 in April 2012 when I thought about not going to avoid having to do the row repeats & I was mad about having to do them the whole time.  Literally like a bratty littler girl that didn't want to do her chores.  :)  Not surprisingly it was my worst of the 5 with splits of 156.9, 1:58.5.  I've done hundreds of row repeats since then & have grown to better accept the challenges before me.

10 min ground to overhead is the first event.  Weighed in at 127.9lbs.  Heaviest competition weight yet.  I opened at 165, then 175, 185 (5lbs C&J PR), 190-worked hard to stand up the clean & missed the jerk on two separate attempts.

Had a recovery shake & a bunch of water following the C&J prior to going to rest for a bit.  As I started some warm-ups for the row/triple jump section I got off the rower after 12s & felt my stomach feeling upset.  I burped a bit and then I puked up some water in the bushes.  It was this a crazy feeling and then it passed & I felt fine.  I guess I had too much to drink & my body needed to flush it.

This is probably the first time I did some significant warm-up prior to the row event or any of the row repeats I've ever done I just typically go in and do them.  So JT & I had talked about different ways to prep for it and I did some tough sets of 12s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 40s with a few minutes rest in b/w.

Triple jump is prior to row repeats & it went well considering my heel has been bothering me & relative to what I did in practice I was pleased.  Not my all time best but will take the 20'3" at this point.

Row Repeats were magical for me this time around.  I wanted to shoot for sub 1:50 for both.  Went a bit conservative on the first a bit afraid that I may blow up with only 90s rest.  Hit 1:49.4.  For the second I went out a touch faster holding 1:48/1:49 and sort of testing what was going to happen at the 40-60s mark.  I got there and felt powerful so I started accelerating.  I was holding strong & finding new gears into the finish which has NEVER happened on these repeats in the past.  I had a couple of 1:44/1:45 pulls the last 100m.  My second was an PR in the 500m with 1:47.6.  Total of 3:37.0 which was like a 7s overall improvement from the spring.  I'll take it!

The rest of the day went well.  I took first in the circuit workout and improved my reverse shot toss by a few feet bumping it up to 39' 2".  I didn't have any kind of plan going into the run and it showed, as I ran from behind for much of the race.  My legs generally felt heavy & I just feel a bit awkward in my skin on the track for longer distance these days.  I'm carrying a lot more load than I ever used to in my running days...15-20lbs more.  Nonetheless, I ran my worst 3ks ever in competition with 12:52 & certainly had too much left in the tank.  Will have a better plan next time.  I think I can certainly still run int he 12:20s/12:30s if I decide to.

At the end of the day I took second overall with my second best overall score.
Full results here. 

I didn't realize it until the day was over, but as I was reflecting back on the day it occurred to me that I never put myself through my typical, "Why did I decide to sign up for this?  Why do I do this?" mental torment that I typically go through at or prior to each competition.  It could be my comfort level with the competition itself, as I know now what to expect & how most of it will feel.  And/or simply some growth in embracing myself as an athlete & the idea of "This is just what I do." Onward!

Friday, October 4, 2013

10/04 TnG Power Cleans

Sleep: 10p-4a...just woke up.  Tried to fall back asleep a few times and gave up around 6a.  Good energy throughout the day.
 A. PC TnG - 5,4,3,2; rest 3 min
3x163-caught first rep low on left and elbow was not happy
1x173 F on 2nd.  Elbow feelign worse.  Called it. 

B. PC - 1 single - max if you want based on previous sets
3 sets AFAP:
10 BJSD - 18"
20 DU's
Row 12 cals 
rest walk 5 min b/t sets
1:14 1 trip@19
1:11 1 trip @ 16 sigh. 
Elbow was pretty lit up in the early afternoon and I was freaking out a bit, but seems to be better now.  No NSAIDs.