Thursday, January 10, 2013

130110 Front Squat 3 Rep Max

Sleep: 8pm-6:30am.  No alarm!
Created my focus for 2013 last night: for the majority of my nights during the week to be able to wake without an alarm.  Not that I will not set a back up alarm, but to be in bed in time that I have enough sleep to wake up before an alarm.  This will also more than likely require that I open less than 3 days per week, but I'm presently averaging 0-2 so that should not be a problem.  I'm very excited about this goal, as it's been on my mind for years (in a general sense of wanting to wake without an alarm), but I never had the opportunity to put into action.  So I'm going to add a column to my sleep log of when I wake with or without an alarm in order to determine if I'm meeting my goal.  :)
A. Front squat; build to a 3rm
95x5, 125lbsx3, 145lbsx3, 155lbsx3, 165lbsx3.  Called it....uuuugggly last rep! 

B. Squat snatch off high blocks; build to a max
These high blocks are my least favorite.  So hard for me to feel where to get any power from, but I think today was a bit of an improvement.  (Or maybe I've only done cleans off high blocks...didn't find any previous snatch stuff off hand, but this is a much high percentage of my hang snatch than I did of my hang clean off blocks in Oct. )
53lbs, 63, 73, 83, 88, 93, 98F, 98, 103, 108F 108F, 108F

10 min amrap @85%
10 cals airdyne
10 thrusters 45#
5 toes to bar
5 burpee box jumps 20"
5 Rounds + ~7cals
First round ~1:50 and kept that until 4, 5 around 2:00 each...probably lost time on AD output.
HR was 180 at finish and ~136 1 minute later walking.

+ 65 minute hike at Bent Creek.  Have been in the woods everyday this week for 30-50 minutes, but haven't been noting it.

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