Saturday, September 22, 2012

Athlete Camp Reviews

I have had a great couple of weekends recently.  I received multiple questions on my experiences at both the OPT & Outlaw Athlete Camps.  

I met some great people & had positive experiences at both camps.  Here are some notes on my experiences. 

Although both camps were sold out the OPT camp was kept to a much smaller group of athletes.  (~10-15 compared to ~55-65).  As such there was much more attention to each individual at the OPT Camp. James did not participate in organizing the athletes into heats/workouts, but rather he sat back & observed.  After each workout we had a debriefing of such during which James gave specific feedback to each athlete based upon what he saw during the workouts.  Rudy acknowledged me once over the weekend, but never did I receive any kind of coaching or direct feedback from him.  There were other great coaches around & Elizabeth Akinwale made a couple comments on my clean Friday night, but more or less because I was the last of two people lifting.  

I felt both camps had a great mix of workouts.  I was able to come home & easily jump back into my training after each.  This is always greatly appreciated!  

The Outlaw camp gave more information on the mechanics & progressions of specific skills in a CrossFit cert type feel.  OPT Camp made some mention on movement efficiency when needed improvements were obvious,  but there was more discussion on energy system work & specific training needed to improve the limits of each individual.  

Both camps provided some general discussion around competition prep that was insightful.  

Overall, I'm thankful that I had opportunity to attend both camps & would attend both again in the future.  If nothing else I find getting into an environment with other like-minded individuals beneficial, as it pushes me out of my comfort zone which in turn always allows for good learning! 

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