Friday, June 28, 2013

20 min AMRAP 20,20,20 Take 3 + Muscle PR

PM Friday 6/28 11am. 
First morning all week I didn't need to be up, but woke up at 2:53 to pee and then Corey's alarm went off at 3.  I stayed in bed until 3:45 trying to go back to sleep and then decided to embrace the day.  6 hours sleep.  

as many rounds in 20 min:
95# thrusters x 20
20 COVP chin ups
20 burpees

I was excited to do this one again.  I did it back in Feb at OPT and got 4+7.    I reviewed the footage and thought about the pacing of it and how it felt and was excited to bust past that.  Well, it didn't turn out that way.  Getting home later has left time for as much food at night as I normally consume and I think it caught up to me today.  I didn't feel horrible, but I just felt empty and had no fuel to dig with.  I couldn't even really get my HR up much to suffer.  Yes, obviously there is a big mental component to all of that, but I'm getting to the point to where I know when my body is underfed.  
To be completely honest I have to regularly force myself to eat enough to keep my energy where it needs to be for performance.  This can be challenging after spending much mental effort in my previous athletic life trying to not over eat too much and/or exercising obsessively to stay a smaller size as a runner.  I've embraced my belief that I need to grow to be successful in CrossFit.  I wasn't noticing any or many 5'3" 115-120lbs ladies at the Games.  Rather the top ladies of similar size to myself are typically 125-135+lbs.  It's not my goal to grow to a certain size, but to eat enough to feel good to perform and see where that puts me.  

On a positive note, this was genuinely the most positive I have ever felt despite underperforming in a workout.  it certainly helped that I had some youngsters hanging out with their moms and being completely excited about how many pull-ups I could do.  So that helped me keep a positive perspective mid-way, as I want the youngsters to know that fitness can be and IS fun vs seeing me throw a tantrum because I'm not moving as fast as I had hoped.  In the end, I felt really good about my personal growth to accept myself for where I am in that moment and to learn and grow from it.  :)  Plus we had some fun, as they helped me count my reps and Henry knocked out some burpees with me and they both were working on their pull-ups.  Good time!  :) 

Total score was a full round less than last time with 3+7.  
Round 1 ~5:12, Round 2: ~11:37, Round 3: 19:02 + 7. 

I did tie my PR for UB muscle-ups with 7 in my warm-up.  And then I did it again about 5 minutes following the 20 minute AMRAP. I think this is the first time I did two big sets in a day.  :)  So I'm celebrating the PR and setting my mind for 10+ ub this year....12, 15...?  :) 

27th off

go from here

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