Monday, June 11, 2012

Tuesday 120605 Back Squat Day

Sleep ~9p-4a

A1. Back squat @31x1, 4, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2; rest 3:00
4x143lbs, 3x153lbs, 2x163lbs, 4x153lbs, 3x163lbs, 2x168lbs (not pretty-see video) A2. Weighted supinated grip chin ups 8, 6, 4, 8, 6, 4; rest 2 min
8x18lbs, 6x25lbs, 4x35lbs, 8x25lbs, 6x35lbs, 4x45lbs

 B. Single arm overhead walking lunges 18 continuous steps x3; rest 2
min (switch hands after 9 reps)
20lbs, 30lbs, 35lbs  
 C. Toes to bar; 20 sets of 5 unbroken for time

2:20 at halfway, 5:42 overall.  
Lost kip a bit around set 6/7 but then was able to get it back for the finish.  Coordination/grip limiter.  Have video just not uploaded. 

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