Friday, March 14, 2014

3/11 & 3/12

Sleep ~830p-530a
Lloyd was convinced Nadia was about to throw him the log. 

930 AM
12 cal AD
6 bar muscle-ups
10 burpee box jump overs 20"
12 cal AD
6 bar muscle-ups
10 burpee box jump overs 20"
rest 3 min
AD/AD, BMU/BMU, overall
55/55, 1+5/6, 548
50/55, 6/6, 520
50/60, 3/3, 4/2, 548
50/50, 3+1-small rip/10 F/G ring-rows, 4:44. last 10 BBJ 29s. +
AD 90 sec @90%
AD 90 sec easy

1. 65-68 ave 66 26 cals
2. 64-70 ave 68 28 cals
3. 66-71 ave 68 28 cals
4. 64-70 ave 67 28 cals
5. 64-70 ave 66 26 cals
Didn't have as much in the legs this session.  Seems the burpee box jumps & AD took more out of the legs than the ski/hspu from last week. 
hour afternoon hike. 

9 min amrap:
2 deadlifts 265#
12 burpees over bar

7 rounds. Was a bit hesitant with heavy deads, but they moved pretty well. Paced the burpees to transition well to the deads then sprinted the last round. 

Sleep not super.  In bed around 8 but didn't fall asleep right away. Mind was busy with thoughts around this new opportunity for fitness athletes.   Up at 4a for 5a class. 
Good energy throughout day. 
Started cycle mid-late morning.  Back to a normal 28 day cycle after last month's drama.  :)

3k ski Z1 19:28 3:14 ave
10 min DH2I on rings  turned this into 20 minutes with some 1-arm Farmer's Carry work mixed in.  Worked up to 65lbs x 20m.  Left side noticeably weaker than right & mild pain in the forearm and anterior shoulder which would improve. The first set at each load would be uncomfortable & then same load for the next set would improve.  Will be good to improve this. 
2500m run Z1 done-4 laps around the block. 
1500m row Z1 2:09

hike Z1  60 minutes after viewing of the 2nd 300 movie.  The first 300 movie is what got Corey to start CrossFit & I started about 3 days later...7 years ago tomorrow! Time flies. 

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