Sunday, December 29, 2013

Friday/Saturday 12/27, 28, 29

row 500m @1:59
rest 2:30
Up at 345a to get these row repeats done before a bunch of coaching shifts this morning.  Definitely not feeling well.  Body mildly achey and sinuses suck.  With that in mind I opted to do 8 to have some recovery before coaching the 6a class and to not dig myself deeper.  Nice that I can hit my row repeats without much struggle even when under the weather.  Improvement in and of itself. 
1:59.8 for middle 6 sets
1:59.7 for #8. Stroke rate 30/31 for all. 
For time:
30 power snatch 77% 1RM
50 double unders
15 strict chin ups
20 power snatch 85% 1RM
50 double unders
15 strict chin ups
10 power snatch 92% 1RM

Took an afternoon nap for 2 hours trying to get myself prepped to be able to do my evening session, but I looked like shit and felt like shit so I opted to go to take the dogs on short walk and then to drug store for the SinuFlo thing to try and clear my head and some nighttime sickness sleep aid. 

Went to bed around 730 and slept until 5:30 Saturday.  Woke up feeling much improved and probably 85% back to normal. 

12/28 730am 
A. Front squat - build to a 6RM
3-5 x 75, 105, 125, 145 6 x 165, 175

Last May (7 months ago) I failed to complete 1 rep at 176lbs. Here is the video.   B. Clean 2-2-2-1-1-1; rest 2 min
2x 145, 155, 165 1x 170, 175, 180.  Caught the 180 really deep & came off my heels, but still got it up.  whew! 

For time:
bar muscle-ups
stone to shoulder
Was running short on time to coach the 8:30 class & wanted to finish out the morning so decided to use the 80lb heavy MB.  
MUs were 7+2 (grip), 7, 5 

Energy levels definitely better today, but definitely not 100%.  Took an afternoon nap.  Maybe only slept ~20 minutes, but good to lay down. 
20 min short hike with dogs in rain then 

PM @ 5:45p+
12 min amrap @85%
200m ski   Slow 2:55-3:08 ave??  Gotta figure this out. 
10 box jump step-downs 24"
12 kb swings 1.5pd  UB
4+7 BJ

rest 5 min

12 min amrap @85%
5 TnG PS 75#
8 burpees
35 double unders
Thought it was 30 DUs and that's was I did.  

rest 5 min

12 min amrap @85%
0.3 mile AD
10 pushups hr
10 front squats 95# UB

rest 5 min
12 min amrap @85%
250m ski  Still slow Corey was cueing to lead with my chest which brought it down from 3:00s to 2:40s, but learning curve still feels slow here. 
4 forward rolls
20m single arm FW L Used 75lbs. 
20m single arm FW R

4+40m Ski 

These were more like 70% effort and worked on being patient with myself when feeling under the weather. 

Good sleep.  Still feeling better. First day of lady cycle.  Light cramps.  
90 minute afternoon hike with Julie & dogs.  Beautiful day! 

12/26 77lbs Weighted Pull-up & 112lbs Press Clusters.

Sleep pretty solid.  Opened & coached 5:30/6:30a, trained at 8am, back to coaching 10:30-noon. 
A. Back squat @10X1; 50% 1rm; 2 reps; 12 sets; 45 sec rest
Done @ 120lbs.  Not feeling super speedy. 
B. Wtd supinated chin up @21X0; 2-2-1-1-1-1-1; rest 2 min
2x 37, 47, 1x 55, 64, 72, 75, 77 + 130lbs BW

C. Squat clean thruster 3-3-3-3; rest 90 sec

105, 115, 120, 130lbs

Tired.  Afternoon nap & short hike with dogs. 

5:30 PM
A. Hang power snatch 2-2-2-2; rest 2 min
95, 105, 110, 115-squat snatch on rep 2. 
B. Deadlift TnG 175#x5 EMOM for 12 min
Done ~ 8s
C. Press @12X2; 1.1.1x7; rest 15 sec/rest 2 min

90, 95, 100, 105, (tough-thought about staying here), 107, 110, 112.  Hung in there as it got heavier.  Good session.  No videos.  Phone battery dead. 

Tuesday/Wednesday 12/24 -DL/MUs

Slept fairly well.  Feeling a bit run down. 

200m row
6 burpee broad jumps 5.5''
200m row
6 burpee broad jumps 5.5'
rest 3 min

Exact splits were erased before I took a picture.  My memory is pretty good with numbers: 
1. 3:12 (1:59/1:58 pace)
2. 3:04 (1:57/1:58)
3. 2:59 (1:57/1:56)
4. 2:58 Similar
5. 3:03 Similar
6. 2:50 1:56/1:53

Complete forgot about the AD intervals until I was pulling up the PM workout to see whether DL or MUs were first.  so I did it following the PM.  AD 30 sec @90%
AD 30 sec easy

Took an afternoon nap.  Energy low. 

For time:)
deadlifts 225#

I thought I had done this same workout before, but it was 6-1 DL/Mu back in June of 2012.  Today it took 3:12ish for 15 of each vs 21 of each.  Missed a few MUs-maybe even at least one each round after going 5 ub to lead it off.  The deads felt easy.  

20 min AD Z1
20 min crawl/rope climb work
20 min AD Z1

Done. Energy still low. Feel like a bit of a head cold coming on. 

X-mas hike Z1

Turned into a short neighborhood walk.  
No nap today with family Christmas time. Thanksfully it was low key and my mom & mother-in-law did all the cooking…primal friendly nonetheless. 

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Sunday 12/22 Making Up + Monday 12/23

Below was intended for Saturday, but I missed up my timing of the morning & couldn't get it in before i had to meet my sister for wedding dress shopping (the intent of the trip).  

Sunday evening I met fellow OPT coach Toby at his gym SPC CrossFit in my hometown of Kent, Ohio for this one: 

3 sets:
7 min amrap @85%
5 power snatch 65#
8 chin ups
0.2 mile AD
5, 5+3, 5+3
rest 3 min
7 min amrap @85%
175m row
9 toes to bar
5 thrusters 75#
4+60m, 4+80m, 4+115m
rest 3 min

Felt good. 


8AM Back at SPC CF.
A. Back squat @20X1; 5-5-5-5-5 build per set; rest 3 min
155, 165, 170, 175, 180x4. 

B. Snatch pull from mid thigh + snatch from mid thigh x2 - EMOM for 6 min
85, 95, 95, 100, 100, 105

C. DB torso row @21X0; 3-5x4; rest 1 min btw arms
5x25, 30,35, 45, 45. 

Was scheduled to get back home to AVL by 4p and planned to go straight to the gym for workout.  We left Akron-Canton on time, but 15 minutes into the flight they turned us around as they had "an issue with the wing".  By the time I got rerouted and back in the air it was 4p and then eventually made it home before 9p….thankfully Zach (Thank you Zach!) agreed to open for me the next day, as even bypassing this workout and not going in until mid-moring I still felt run down after all the travel & visiting over the weekend. PM
A. Stone to shoulder heavy 4-4-4-4-4; rest 2 min
EMOM for 16 min
odd - 5 push press 115#
even - 4 TnG deadlifts 195#
For time:
750m row
25 kb swings 1.5pd
40 ring pushups
25 kb swings 1.5pd

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Saturday 12/21

A. Back squat - build to a heavy triple
85 125 155 175 195 205

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Friday 12/20 Row Repeats in Ohio

Arrived in Ohio @ 8p last night.  Stayed with my cousin who lives close to the airport.  Fairly solid sleep.  ~11p-6a.  

1030 AM

row 500m @2:00
rest 1:45

1. 200.4 27/28
2. 200.6 29/30
3. 200.2 30/32
4. 200.5 31/32
5. 200.4 30/32
6. 200.4 31/33
7. 200.6 33 rt groin started bugging me halfway through.  went away for most part. weird.
8. 200.4 33
9. 200.4 33
10. 200.2 32
11. 200.1 32/33
12. 200.0 31/33
13. 200.2 32/33
14. 200.0 32/34
15. 200.0 34/32 hR 172 at finish

This was somewhat enjoyable. 
Thanks to Brian at CrossFit Legacy for accommodating me! This was the first affiliate I ever worked out at about 6 weeks prior to opening my own.  Great to see their growth since 2008! 
430 PM @ The CrossFit Box in Strongsvile. 

For time:

15 kbs 2pd  11/4 (1:10)
hs walk 50m Lap 1 (4:15), Lap 2 (6:25), Lap 3 (900)
30 kbs 2pd 6 (1000) 6 (1045) 9 (11:40) 9 (1250)
hs walk 50m Best of the 3 rounds. Links 1, 2, 3 ub 25' Lap 1 (14:40), 2 (1700), 3 (20:10) 
45 kbs 2pd 5 (21:25), 9 (22:15), 11 (23:10), 10 (24:00), 10 2500 
hs walk 50m 25:30 start Lap 1 (27:30) Lap 2 (3000) done in 32:40 

I had about 25 ft in length of floor space for the HS walk so that was 6 links per round.  
This was a tough combo.  Those heavy swings take a lot of mojo to get myself to just pick up the bell and hang on.  Had to really squeeze the grip on last round of swings and then felt the  resulting stiffness in forearms on last set of walks.  Lots of forearm stretching to get the right balance point through wrists.  

Thursday 12/19 PM Press Clusters at 110lbs

Short break b/w am & pm (~90 minutes).  

A. Hang power clean - build to a max
85, 125, 145, 155-squat clean, 155 power on second, 160, 165 F. Videos of 145-165. 

B. Deadlift TnG 155#x7 EMOM for 14 min
Done, felt good. 

C. Press @12X2:; rest 15 sec/rest 2 min

85, 90, 95, 100, 105 (video), 110 (video). Tough but solid.  

Monday, December 23, 2013

Thursday 12/19 AM

A. Squat clean - build to a max

85-125-145-155-165-175-180 F@185

B. Wtd chin up @21X0; 2-2-1-1-1-1; rest 2 min
2x 30, 37, 42, 47, 1x 52, 55, 62, 64
C. 4 back squat 165# EMOM for 7 min
Done. Tougher than I anticipated.  About 25-30s unrack to retract.

A. Hang power clean - build to a max
B. Deadlift TnG 155#x7 EMOM for 14 min
C. Press @12X2:; rest 15 sec/rest 2 min

row 500m @2:00
rest 1:45

For time:
15 kbs 2pd
hs walk 50m
30 kbs 2pd
hs walk 50m
45 kbs 2pd
hs walk 50m

A. Back squat - build to a heavy triple
B. Clean 2-2-2-2-2; rest 2 min
3 rounds for time:
3 squat snatches 125#
1 rope climb
4 continental cleans 95#

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


12/16 Sleep 8:30-5:30

Active Recovery
7-9 Rounds (I lost track) all at conversational pace
60s Ski erg
60s Airdyne
60s Row
30s Side plank/side

Short afternoon hike. 


Another great night of sleep ~8:30-5:30

3 ub muscle-ups
175m ski
3 ub muscle-ups
175m ski
rest 3 min

Set 1 3:00 ~2:46, 2:45 pace on ski rug
Set 2 2:45 ~2:42 57.0s, 2:43 57.6s 
Set 3 2:45 ~2:36, 2:45 pace
Set 4 2:48 
Set 5 2:48
Set 6 2:38 (video) ~2:32, 2:27 paces. 

I was working my ass off on the skier with about 44 pulls a minute, but I couldn't get the pace to come anywhere near my row pace as it says I should on the C2 website.  Amber was using the other one and was pulling 2:05-2:20 pace regularly.  I was like WTF…why am I unable to do that?  AFTER the workout was complete Becca noticed that I was brining my arms in close together at the top of the pull relative to Amber keeping hers wider.  Didn't sound like a big deal, but then I went over and tried it and started pulling in the 1:50s with similar effort.  Although I felt like I was working harder on the skier pace wise it wasn't as painful as a row at that effort.  Perhaps now that I've figured out how to increase the power by changing my hand position it will be a different story.  Fun to do something new.  

AD 30 sec @90%
AD 30 sec easy
Done.  155 total cals.  90% RPM was ave of 70-72 low of 68, high of 75ish in later sets. 

Afternoon nap 20-30 minutes then some reading.  90 minutes in bed total. 

12 min amrap:
3 deadlifts 225#
3 box jumps 30"
3 pHSPU 6"
Didn't feel strong off the floor warming up.  Mid back quite tired for all the pulling this morning.  Bit of discomfort right b/w the shoulder blades when I would release the bar from the top.  
Rnd 1 36s and two untied shoes??  so 51s when back to the bar
3 minutes: 4 Rounds
5:50: 8 Rounds
10 minutes 13 
12 minutes 15 Rnds + 1

My low back was the limiter.  HSPU felt great and got faster transitioning as I went on.  Box jumps steady.  Corey said I was catching box jumps taller than previous.  Deadlifts UB early.  Broke a set right after half way and then got back into some TnG until the last 60-90s the low back was spent & did singles.  Bilateral tightness from low back down into sacrum so felt really cautious going into deads.  Overall fun workout.  

Sunday, December 15, 2013

12/15 Big Dawg Online Challenge Day 2

Day 2

"OPT 3"
In 30 min establish:
Front Squat 3RM
Snatch 2RM (only 5 seconds can be taken between reps 1 and 2)
CTB chin up max set x 1
(Scored as FS kg + Sn kg + CTB reps)
Front Squat from rack, hips below parallel.  Snatch or Power Snatch or combination of the two.  CTB one attempt, max unbroken reps. 
Did it in the order above.  FS 85x5, 125x4, 155x2, 175x2, 185x3, 195x3. albs PR on 3 rep.  Didn't feel like digging deeper.  Called it. 
About 14 minutes in started the snatch. 
85x2, 105x2, 115x1 F second-moved on, 125x2, 135x2-2 rep PR, 140 F

Knocked out C2B with 75s left.  for 41 reps.  Missed chest on #42 and dropped down.  No pain, but right shoulder started clicking pretty good last 10-15 reps so when I missed I didn't fight for more. 
My previous UB pull-ups was 40 from several years back so despite weighing in at 130lbs these days that is still improving.  

Rest 15 min

For time:
50 kbs - 2/1.5 pd
Walking Lunges x 50
50 Toes to Bar
Shoulder to Overhead x 50 - 95/65#
40 alternating DB Snatch - 70/45#
Wall Balls x 50 - 20/14# to 10 ft
30 Burpees
(Scored as total time)
Decided to break KBS 25/15/10
steady on lunges
Toes to bar started with 20 then 5-7 from there with set of 2 at the end. 
S2OH started with 12
DB Snatches are mental to keep pulling it off the ground. Think I stood up and took some breaths two or three times throughout. 
Wall balls were 15, 17, 18 which is probably my best fractioning under fatigue. 
First burpee was the hardest one.  Took a few reps to get pace moving, but then held constant at 3s per rep into the finish.  Dug a bit here at the end & not sure how to make myself go faster there other than just put the blinders on and go after it.  I can find it when necessary.  This was a hard effort at the finish & took a minute or two to recover.  Could have pushed the edge a bit harder sooner in the chipper but Always learning.  Fun workout and good little competition! Video camera lasted into the DB snatches and then cut out. 

12/14 Big Dawg Challenge Day 1

Day 1
"Combined Jump"
For inches/reps:
10 min establish 3 max distance broad jumps

Overlooked that this was a combination of 3 jumps or maybe I would have done 1 more. I did 5 and each one got better. 6'1", 6'1.5", 6'5", 6'9", 6'10".  Never done standing broad jump before.  Not exactly my specialty.  

Rest 1 min
10 min establish 3 amrap sets of DU's unbroken
(scored as total inches for 3 jumps plus total reps for best 3 max sets)
122, 122, 116.  No mulligans.  Old PR was 103.  if the 2nd set wasn't mental then I don't know what is.  I remember hoping that I'd hit 100 again and then I did and kept going and didn't know when it was going to stop…I never imagined I could do more than the first set and then I suddenly couldn't.  Oh the power of the mind.  Arms fatigue first. 

Combined three best jumps.  Tape Measure starts at toe of Athlete and scoring is from heel of where athlete lands.  Tape measure visible during movements.  
DUs – as many sets as you choose in 10min time frame.  Best three attempts = score. 

Rest 15 min
For time:
10 unbroken CJ - 135/85#

Row 1200 m
Row 1

10 unbroken CJ - 135/85#

Row 1200 m
Row 2 

10 unbroken CJ - 135/85#

Row 1200 m
Row 3 

10 unbroken CJ - 135/85#

Row 1200 m
Row 4

10 unbroken CJ - 135/85#
This was never really terribly hard.  The toughest part was transitioning from C&J to rower.  First 100m or so would feel shitty.  I kept it aerobic to not mess up the C&J. Could have pushed the edge there a bit, & was acknowledging it during the workout as to where I could pick it up, but kept choosing not to.  T/L area of back quite fatigued by the last two sets of rows.  

(Scored as total time; dq in place if athlete does not compete reps unbroken; no pause on ground)