Food is good though for being on the road. There is a Whole Foods just around the corner! :)
Friday 20-Apr
A. Hang squat clean 2 reps x10; rest 1 min (55% 1rm, fast and tight)
B. 10 min DB snatch practice worked up to 55lbs. Heaviest DB Windy City had.
C. Amrap sets of 2 unbroken muscle ups in 10 min (failed attempts are
mandatory 60 second rest penalty) Lost my paper on what I completed here. Something like 5 sets of 2 before failing on the 2nd rep. Then about 4 sets of two and again failed 2nd rep. Switched from regular grip to false grip and ended up ripping my wrists with about 3 minutes left. Had two misses at that point. Completed something like 22/24 total reps.
prep work
Snatch practice: built quickly to a single. 35kg, 40, 45, 49, 51, then three misses at 53kg.
One set of hang cleans at 60kg
light run + some touches on lifting 3x30s row @ 1k pace with 30s rest. 5x30s run @ 3k pace, rest 20s. Felt smooth.
maybe practice a few of the wod movements for regionals...