Thursday, April 12, 2012

Training 4/11/12 Double Day

Sleep First time in a long time that I struggled with sleep.  My blame was towards my husband's last minute suggestion to switch over to the guest bedroom as the windows face south instead of west and much less day light shining through at 7:30.  He mentioned that he wasn't tired just before going to bed and I was.  Yet moments later he is snoozing away and I'm off & on relighting the candle to read and tossing and turning for the next couple of hours.  Probably fell asleep b/w 9:30 & 10p.
When the alarm went off at 4am my eyes were burning.  I wasn't on the schedule to work until after my 9am haircut so we decided to drive in separately.  I didn't fall back asleep until after I did a bit more reading and heard Corey leave the house around 5.  I had set my alarm for 7, but woke up at 6:15 and felt awake so I got up.  Felt a bit off all day, but good practice for competition scenario as there is always the chance for poor sleep the night before.

After my hair appointment and coaching I did my "AM" workout at 12:45.  I felt myself want to get all pissy about how my day was totally off, but then I decided to embrace the fact that I got to rest a bit extra this morning and that it's good to do workouts at various times of day even when you feel less than ideal.  My focus is to do what I can at that point in time.

@97% effort:
6 min amrap
5 squat clean thrusters 65#
10 burpees

6 rounds + 3 squat cleans & one extra burpee on round 2.  
First round was right around 45s and then each round after that was almost exactly on the minute.  Main limiter was my brain and burning sensation in my lower legs.  Otherwise felt good.  

I thought about cutting the rest time short and knocking out the second, but again I decided to make it more like a competition setting.  Hung around the gym about an hour after finishing and then took the dogs back to the same spot Corey & I hiked on Monday.   It turned out to be about a 30 min hike out/back and I spent close to an hour in the sun on the rocks.  Finished reading "The Big Leap" (highly recommend it!) and closed my eyes for another 20 minutes or so until Hoka was literally pawing me to leave.  By the time we got back to the gym it was 4:45p.  
I took down a pre workout shake of 1 scoop protein, 1 scoop refuel and shop vacced the gym for 30 minutes to pass time during digestion/warm up.  No afternoon caffeine, but energy levels feeling good.  I was even feeling positive about the row! 
530 class was rolling by the time I got started.  Very foreign for me to be working out this time of day, but again I saw it as a good practice opportunity to have energy for the end of a competition day.  

@97% effort:
20 hspu 
10 power clean 115#
10 box jumps 24"
1,000m row
for time. 
I was hoping for sub 6, but was a bit slower in the hspus than I anticipated (45/48s when I was for a misjudged my pacing on these thinking 30s).  Had hoped to be heading to the rower in 1:30, but turned out to be 1:48/1:50 by the time I was first pulling on the handle.  
Was catching the power cleans more forward than normal, but don't usually do this weight of power cleans in my racing flats.  I was happy with how the box jumps felt.  Haven't lost my rebound even though I have not put much emphasis into it.  

The row was one of my worst 1k splits in a long time (4:20.9), but it was an improvement in that I finished stronger than I started out.  For whatever reason I struggled to get into a rhythm or find any effective "drive" with each of my pulls,  I don't think it ever ready faster than 2:08 for the first 500m.  However, I got it together by the end and finished strong with  2:03.7 average the last 200m.  Managed to get a couple pulls to read 1:58.  Also found that I'm more effective at a slower stroke rate as at 34 strokes per minutes by 2nd 200m split was a 2:17 average (yikes) but with 28 S/M is where I hit 2:09 and 2:03 the last two 200m splits.  One of these days my row is going to come together.  I believe in me!  :)  


Got home at bedtime (7pm) and ate my first "real" meal of the day.  Salad mixed greens with beef tenderloin, sweet potatoes mashed with coconut milk, shrimp salad with green & red peppers, about a tablespoon of cashews, goat cheese and EVOO.  Was able to finish most of it, but felt full quickly.     Around 9/10am I felt fairly hungry early, but energy levels good with pre/post workout shakes.  So I'm feeling confident as far as food (or lack of the need for food) for competition.

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