Thursday, April 12, 2012

Training 4/10/12 Back squats, pull-ups, snatches!

Sleep 8ish-4

Training @ 8:30
A. Back squat 6, 4, 2, 6, 4, 2; rest 2:30
6x168lbs, 4x178lbs, 2x188lbs, 6x178lbs, 4x188lbs (tough!) 4 rep PR!  2x193lbs F on 2nd rep. 2 pounds off my all time PR.   Whew!  My legs have never shook so much as they did during the last set of 4 and 2.  I mixed lbs & kgs and added the numbers at the end to not psych myself out.  Seemed to help not knowing exactly what was on the bar.  

B. Weighted chin up 3, 2, 3, 2; rest 2 min

These felt especially strong today. 
3x35lbs C2b
2x45lbs C2b
4x45lbs C2b
2x57.5lbs 2nd rep C2B I thought this was 60lbs until Corey says, did you have a 2.5lb plate on the other side?  Nope!  I was in the frame of mind of adding weight to a barbell.  Duh!

C. Amrap squat snatch 105# in 8 minutes (for every missed rep perform
2 muscle ups)
No misses!  I'm not sure if I should be excited by this or acknowledge that I didn't push hard enough if I didn't miss.  29 reps total.  I thought it was 30, but the video doesn't lie.  The last rep was cut off in the video as a call came in at that time.  

Min 1: 4
Min 2: 4
Min 3: 3
Min 4: 3 (14 at halfway)
Min 5: 4
Min 6: 3
Min 7: 3
Min 8: 5.  15 2nd half. 29 total Felt good. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG you are my hero. When you come to ATL every week starting in June, we will combine our powers...You give me some snatch magic and I will give you some of my squat together we will create one BAMF!
