Sunday, December 11, 2011

Light training 12/10/11 200m Cut-downs

Sleep: 10p-4:30am
Sugar: none
Energy: Lowest today than it's been in a long time.  To bed too late last night after driving into Durham and woke up like clockwork with some work that I needed to get a jump on before the weekend started.  So falling back asleep didn't happen.
Throat started getting sore yesterday evening and is still so today with some drainage in the back of my throat.  Glands are are moderately swollen.  Drinking lots of water and eating well.

Back still a bit tight, but feeling much improved.

Light training: 6am
Had about 20 minutes before I needed to jump in the shower.
Headed out for a run, as I was unable to do the assigned workout with no access to available gym space before the competition today.
4 minutes into the run I came upon a track and decided to put it to use.
4 minutes of sprint drills and emphasis on hip mobility.
Then 4x 200m cut downs with ~75s walking rest b/w each. Perceived effort of 80%.
42s, 40s, 39s, 35.96s
Felt good.  200m is one of my favorite interval training distances.  Just enough to get to dig a bit, but not too miserable.  :)

Later in the day my back felt a bit stiffer when running around the competition.  Been trying to stretch out hip flexors throughout the day.

Also an annoying level of stress today.  I lost the ignition key to my car while in Durham and will have to leave it there until we get another made, as it was our only copy.  Spent a couple hours in the afternoon walking the 600m or so between my car and the gym tracing my steps hoping to find it.  No such luck.  Sigh.

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