Thursday, June 28, 2012

120625 Monday Skill Work

Sunday night sleep 9:30-5a.  Sleepy today. 

Late morning skill work of the following random list that I threw together.  Took me ~70/75 minutes to work through in between chit chat with others.  HSPUs still have a long way to go but noticed a difference this week.  HS walk also felt better this week.  I almost neglected to put wall balls on there, but added it in.  When I went back to the 14lbs after a few with the 20lbs I almost threw the first one over the target and was able to hit the target while keeping my heels on the ground vs the dramatic jump I normally have to do.  All positives! 

Accumulate 90s L-sit(B=on bar, R=on rings): 12B/12B/10R/15B/10B/20B/11B
20 strict C2B pull-ups: 5 mixed, 5 mixed, 5 pronated, 3 wide pronated, 2 wide pronated
30 HSPUs: (S=Strict, K=Kip) 5S/5S/5S/4S/11K
60 GHD sit-ups 20/15/15/10
60 Hip extensions 20/20/20
20 Muscle ups (kipped unless noted with S) 3S/FonKip/3/1S/1/1/3/FonKip/2/2Fon3/1/3
200 DUs: 19/12/12/50/23/9/29/21: 219 total   Kind of pathetic here.  
100ft Handstand walk: 8ft/12/13/10/5/10/20/10/12
100 Wall balls all 10ft 14lbs: 15/13/20/10/10, 20lbs: 7/10/3/2/5/5 

James pointed out to me that I was neglecting to open my shoulders in the bottom of my muscle ups and I knew I was doing a funky elbow bend, but hadn't determined what was off.  I'm still hanging on to that elbow bend a bit but now that I know what to focus on it's getting better and I feel like I'm flying much higher and more powerful in the muscle up!  Looking forward to working these into one of my big strengths this year as well as the other BW movements while I increase my overall strength base.  

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