For some reason the video doesn't seem to be embedding. You can view today's workout here.
Sleep: poor. ~40min of the 75min drive to AVL from SC & maybe 15 minute of our 30 min drive from AVL to home. Then in bed ~10:30-4:30a. Ouch. So 6-7 total. I have not idea how I use to sleep this amount (or less) on a regular basis. Lots of coffee and adrenaline. Now my body is were dumb, you didn't plan right, I'm not wasting your adrenaline today.
We had a great day at the lake but perhaps too much fun for a Wednesday. We also didn't plan super well for food and that ended up being less than ideal. When I originally scheduled a day at the lake I had myself completely off the coaching schedule for the following day. However, earlier this week a new person was added to 5:30a Thursday and I was the one to cover her first day. (Thank you Amber who ended up working with her & switching me to coach the others on the ID floor at that time, as my energy for a new client was a bit low.) Needless to say we had a few drinks yesterday afternoon in the heat, not much food other than buffalo jerky, chips & gauc and blackberries. And I felt a bit hung over this morning with a headache and regular small burps that made me feel like I'd rather just puke already.
Sucked down the rest of my coffee and started my warm up around 7:30. Slow couple of minutes on the air dyne and a jog around the building ~600m with Amber. Sipped on some protein/refuel as I was running on empty.
A little bit of hip flexor stretching, mid back foam rollin' and I grabbed the bar. Power clean x 5 @ 45lbs, x 3 @ 95lbs(felt heavy here) x 3 @ 125lbs, x2 @ 135lbs, x 2 @ 140lbs. 2-3 HSPUs and all slow enough that I didn't break a sweat prior to starting the clock. (not recommended) Randomly had a bloody nose just before I was about to start. Took a few minutes to get that under control & knocked it out.
3 rounds for time:
7 power clean 140#
Overall, I was pretty happy with the workout considering my state. It went like this:
Round 1 7 TnG, 7 UB HSPUs...still pretty slow in the hspus but stayed on the wall
Frist round ~ 44s.
Round 2 Sectioned the power cleans into: 3, 2, 2. HSPUs UB but slow. (1:22)
Round 3: Power cleans of 4 & 3 TNG and made it through the HSPUs but felt some muscle fatigue setting in with about 2 reps left. Had a quick flash back to regionals when I failed on the last rep of Diane, but kept focus and made it through. (1:14)
Overall time 3:22.
With proper rest & motivation I feel confident that I can go UB on the power cleans for all three rounds & shoot for a sub 2:30 overall. On a positive the workout seemed to knock the "burping" out of me. However, I'm thankful that there were no burpees today! There will be plenty on Sunday...
It's our last weekend in the "country" before moving back to town. So I will be laying low at home and appreciating the view!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
120626&27 Tuesday & Wednesday
Monday night sleep 9:00-6:00
A. 1 1/4 back squat 6, 3, 2, 6, 3, 2; rest 2:30
6x135lbs, 3x150lbs, 2x160lbs, 6x150lbs, 3x160lbs, 2x170lbs tough!
B. Bent over wide grip barbell rows @41x2, 5-6x4; rest 2 min
45lbsx6, 55lbsx5, 60lbsx6, 65lbsx6 2s hold got a bit sketchy after the 2nd rep at 65lbs.
C. Strict chest to bar chin ups weighted 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
25lbs, 35lbs, 40lbs-had to kick to get 3rd rep here, 35lbs
D. Front rack walking lunges 16, 16, 16; rest 90 seconds
75lbs, 95lbs, 105lbs. Far more enjoyable than the front rack split squats from last Tuesday!
Tuesday night sleep 9:30-6:00 Although a good amount of time I woke up a few times and didn't feel super restful.
Coach: 8-10:30
Training @ 11am
Prowler push 110# 50 meters AFAP
Rest 2:15
Rest 6 min
I stopped after the second set of this. Never felt like my energy was great this morning and I kept feeling pukey after each of the second set. As well, we're headed to the lake with friends this afternoon for some boating, swimming & skiing. Last week I felt wasted after the 10 sets so today I called it after 8 but essentially ended up being more like 10 as I made myself push the sled back into the gym which meant another 30s and 20s efforts. The final 20s effort was on smooth black top & I couldn't believe the difference! So much easier to get it moving! We only have 30m of smooth surface in the parking lot and unfortunately it is not positioned to do 30m of smooth and then 20m of rough. Oh well, extra resistance.
They were overall faster than last week's with 20lbs more on the same surface.
1. 27s
2. 34s
3. 31s
4. 28s
5. 32s
6. 30s
7. 30s
8 36s
120625 Monday Skill Work
Sunday night sleep 9:30-5a. Sleepy today.
Late morning skill work of the following random list that I threw together. Took me ~70/75 minutes to work through in between chit chat with others. HSPUs still have a long way to go but noticed a difference this week. HS walk also felt better this week. I almost neglected to put wall balls on there, but added it in. When I went back to the 14lbs after a few with the 20lbs I almost threw the first one over the target and was able to hit the target while keeping my heels on the ground vs the dramatic jump I normally have to do. All positives!
Accumulate 90s L-sit(B=on bar, R=on rings): 12B/12B/10R/15B/10B/20B/11B
20 strict C2B pull-ups: 5 mixed, 5 mixed, 5 pronated, 3 wide pronated, 2 wide pronated
30 HSPUs: (S=Strict, K=Kip) 5S/5S/5S/4S/11K
60 GHD sit-ups 20/15/15/10
60 Hip extensions 20/20/20
20 Muscle ups (kipped unless noted with S) 3S/FonKip/3/1S/1/1/3/FonKip/2/2Fon3/1/3
200 DUs: 19/12/12/50/23/9/29/21: 219 total Kind of pathetic here.
100ft Handstand walk: 8ft/12/13/10/5/10/20/10/12
100 Wall balls all 10ft 14lbs: 15/13/20/10/10, 20lbs: 7/10/3/2/5/5
James pointed out to me that I was neglecting to open my shoulders in the bottom of my muscle ups and I knew I was doing a funky elbow bend, but hadn't determined what was off. I'm still hanging on to that elbow bend a bit but now that I know what to focus on it's getting better and I feel like I'm flying much higher and more powerful in the muscle up! Looking forward to working these into one of my big strengths this year as well as the other BW movements while I increase my overall strength base.
James pointed out to me that I was neglecting to open my shoulders in the bottom of my muscle ups and I knew I was doing a funky elbow bend, but hadn't determined what was off. I'm still hanging on to that elbow bend a bit but now that I know what to focus on it's getting better and I feel like I'm flying much higher and more powerful in the muscle up! Looking forward to working these into one of my big strengths this year as well as the other BW movements while I increase my overall strength base.
120624 Sunday 10 min DUs+
Sleep 10:30ish(may have been well after 11 by the time I fell asleep)-9:30am! I couldn't believe how late I slept!
Saturday night had Lulu Ambassador party where I had some delicious desserts & a beer. Out late talking with some great minds! Had some trouble falling asleep when I first got home...I blame the sugar rush.
2:00p Felt off working out so late in afternoon. Didn't really eat anything all morning. But got a lot of good programming done before heading to the gym.
Minimal warm-up.
10 min max reps double unders
(10 hand release push ups on every break)
We found the photo! In case you cannot read my writing:
1. 78
2. 81
3. 44
4. 15 (halfway 218)
5. 61
6. 12
7. 23
8. 62
+5 push ups
377 DUs & 75 push-ups
Push-ups felt slow. Anterior delts very slow from yesterday's dips.
Late afternoon hike of 60 minutes.
Saturday night had Lulu Ambassador party where I had some delicious desserts & a beer. Out late talking with some great minds! Had some trouble falling asleep when I first got home...I blame the sugar rush.
2:00p Felt off working out so late in afternoon. Didn't really eat anything all morning. But got a lot of good programming done before heading to the gym.
Minimal warm-up.
10 min max reps double unders
(10 hand release push ups on every break)
We found the photo! In case you cannot read my writing:
1. 78
2. 81
3. 44
4. 15 (halfway 218)
5. 61
6. 12
7. 23
8. 62
+5 push ups
377 DUs & 75 push-ups
Push-ups felt slow. Anterior delts very slow from yesterday's dips.
Late afternoon hike of 60 minutes.
120623 Saturday
Sleep 7:30p-4:30a!
A. Speed back squat @53% 1rm 3 reps x20 sets; rest 45 sec (rest 1:15
bw sets 4/5, 10/11, 15/16)
Used 105lbs....felt mentally drained at the end of the 20 sets. So much focus!
B. Squat snatch build to a tough single
Not feeling so crisp here today. Built up to 113 & failed...went back down to 108 & failed. Decided to switch from the 35lbs to 15kg plates and built back up 99, 104, 109lbs and called it. Hindsight maybe I should have called it after my first or second miss at 113 but I felt like I hardly did anything & fell into my habit of "more is better".
C. Squat clean 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 2:30 (85% effort, work on speed, not load)
All at 130lbs. Felt pretty good.
D. Weighted dip; 8, 6, 4, 8, 6, 4; rest 2:30
I forget exactly what I used for the first wave, but I think it was
8x15lbs, 6x26lbs, 4x35lbs. Then 8x26lbs, 6x35lbs & 4x40lbs. (videos of last wave below)
A. Speed back squat @53% 1rm 3 reps x20 sets; rest 45 sec (rest 1:15
bw sets 4/5, 10/11, 15/16)
Used 105lbs....felt mentally drained at the end of the 20 sets. So much focus!
B. Squat snatch build to a tough single
Not feeling so crisp here today. Built up to 113 & failed...went back down to 108 & failed. Decided to switch from the 35lbs to 15kg plates and built back up 99, 104, 109lbs and called it. Hindsight maybe I should have called it after my first or second miss at 113 but I felt like I hardly did anything & fell into my habit of "more is better".
C. Squat clean 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 2:30 (85% effort, work on speed, not load)
All at 130lbs. Felt pretty good.
D. Weighted dip; 8, 6, 4, 8, 6, 4; rest 2:30
I forget exactly what I used for the first wave, but I think it was
8x15lbs, 6x26lbs, 4x35lbs. Then 8x26lbs, 6x35lbs & 4x40lbs. (videos of last wave below)
120622 Friday Evening Hike
Sleep 8:30p-4:15a
Fun but busy day of coaching through the morning.
Late afternoon hike & drove the Blue Ridge Parkway all the way home. Was beautiful!
Hike was ~90 minutes long and we did some wading through a cold mountain stream. Felt like an ice bath on the legs. Feeling sore through the low back after yesterday's deads, but didn't get that deep!
![]() |
Hoka getting love at the team meeting. |
Fun but busy day of coaching through the morning.
Late afternoon hike & drove the Blue Ridge Parkway all the way home. Was beautiful!
Hike was ~90 minutes long and we did some wading through a cold mountain stream. Felt like an ice bath on the legs. Feeling sore through the low back after yesterday's deads, but didn't get that deep!
Friday, June 22, 2012
120621 Heavy Deads & Muscle-ups!
Sleep: 8p-5a woke up just before alarm. Good energy again today. Coached 6:30-8:30a & 9:45-12:30. Would have only been the first two hours but I covered for another coach. Despite the long morning it felt easy and was a lot of fun! I love my "job"!
Afternoon hike of ~30min
Training @ 9am
If the video is not showing up you can view it here.
For time:
DL 225
Muscle up
I was pretty excited when I saw this workout. But certainly unsure as to how the deadlifts would feel. The last time I did any deadlifting was the third day of the Regional competition when I also had to do 21 reps of 225lbs & 21 muscle ups but in the fashion of 3 rounds of 7&7. Today's rep scheme was far more favorable for my mind.
I warmed up bar weightx10 95x5, 135x5, 185x5 (this felt smooth & I knew at that point it was going to be a good day), 205x3, 225x3. I jumped up to the rings for 2-4 muscle ups after each of these warm ups sets. (Only on one set did I do 4) Felt really good. I always feel good on muscle ups days following weighted pull-ups.
I'm slowly but surely getting smoother at linking muscle-ups. I'm falling more back/straight down rather than lowering through the eccentric portion of the dip as I did all winter long. As James told me in our last Skype call I'm a "slow learner" but in my opinion once my body does get something I can typically be quite consistent.
My baseline goal for this workout was 10 minutes and my "I want to be a rock star" goal for this workout was sub 5. Result? 7:24. Right smack in the middle.
I was able to do all the DLs UB and with relatively little effort compared to how much effort it took me to do one rep at a time for the 21 on the 3rd day of regionals (my body was a bit more rested today :) Nonetheless I was very happy and it definitely gave me confidence to be able to pull 225lbs off the ground without significant focus. At regionals it felt like I had to focus in for a 1 rep max with every lift. Today I just had to stay tight & generally focused to keep it moving.
In time it's my goal to do this whole workout UB. That's when I can talk get that sub 5 min goal for a workout like this.
Overall, I'm very happy where I am and how I'm feeling at this point of the year. One day at a time!
I happened to find this old video from August of 2011 when I was doing 4 sets of 4-6 sumo deadlifts as a strength. The video is my last set at 225lbs at which I worked pretty hard for the 4th and didn't feel like I had a 5th. Always fun to look back and acknowledge progress. Despite any focus on deadlifting....I'm weak in my squatting relative so that is the focus and getting stronger where I need to get stronger is helping everything else overall.
Afternoon hike of ~30min
Training @ 9am
If the video is not showing up you can view it here.
For time:
DL 225
Muscle up
I was pretty excited when I saw this workout. But certainly unsure as to how the deadlifts would feel. The last time I did any deadlifting was the third day of the Regional competition when I also had to do 21 reps of 225lbs & 21 muscle ups but in the fashion of 3 rounds of 7&7. Today's rep scheme was far more favorable for my mind.
I warmed up bar weightx10 95x5, 135x5, 185x5 (this felt smooth & I knew at that point it was going to be a good day), 205x3, 225x3. I jumped up to the rings for 2-4 muscle ups after each of these warm ups sets. (Only on one set did I do 4) Felt really good. I always feel good on muscle ups days following weighted pull-ups.
I'm slowly but surely getting smoother at linking muscle-ups. I'm falling more back/straight down rather than lowering through the eccentric portion of the dip as I did all winter long. As James told me in our last Skype call I'm a "slow learner" but in my opinion once my body does get something I can typically be quite consistent.
My baseline goal for this workout was 10 minutes and my "I want to be a rock star" goal for this workout was sub 5. Result? 7:24. Right smack in the middle.
I was able to do all the DLs UB and with relatively little effort compared to how much effort it took me to do one rep at a time for the 21 on the 3rd day of regionals (my body was a bit more rested today :) Nonetheless I was very happy and it definitely gave me confidence to be able to pull 225lbs off the ground without significant focus. At regionals it felt like I had to focus in for a 1 rep max with every lift. Today I just had to stay tight & generally focused to keep it moving.
In time it's my goal to do this whole workout UB. That's when I can talk get that sub 5 min goal for a workout like this.
Overall, I'm very happy where I am and how I'm feeling at this point of the year. One day at a time!
I happened to find this old video from August of 2011 when I was doing 4 sets of 4-6 sumo deadlifts as a strength. The video is my last set at 225lbs at which I worked pretty hard for the 4th and didn't feel like I had a 5th. Always fun to look back and acknowledge progress. Despite any focus on deadlifting....I'm weak in my squatting relative so that is the focus and getting stronger where I need to get stronger is helping everything else overall.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
120620 Prowler Pushing Week 1
Sleep: ~8p-4:15a Energy is good.
Coached 5:30-7:30a
3rd and final day this wk of CF kids at local camp 2-3p
20 min walk with dogs
Started lady cycle in late afternoon.
Training @ 9amProwler push 90# 50 meters AFAP
Rest 2:30
Rest 6 min
This was quite miserable....challenging!
A client caught the first snippet below of my 8th and not surprisingly fastest one as I knew he was there filming. :)
Here was the break down
1. 46s
2. 34s
3. 50s
4. 33s
5. 52s
6. 33s
7. 34s
8. 26s (video)
9. 31s
10. 31s (video)
All the odds were going in one direction and the evens on the return. I had a lot of trouble making it all the way to my mark on the first 3 of the odds (sets 1, 3, 5) and then for 7&9 I was able to make it all the way in. The difference I noticed is that on the first three in that direction I started looking up for the mark when I was only about half way there. Then near the end I kept my head down & started counting what I thought to be 30s in my head before I would allow myself to look up. I would have to get off my heels to get it moving but then I would try to stay through my heels towards the middle. in some instances I would lose that ability near the end. Not exactly sure what the most favorable way would be??
Here is a video of my final set. While in the first video I look fairly composed this last video is how I felt after nearly all of them. The 2:30 did not feel like enough recovery.
Coached 5:30-7:30a
3rd and final day this wk of CF kids at local camp 2-3p
20 min walk with dogs
Started lady cycle in late afternoon.
Training @ 9amProwler push 90# 50 meters AFAP
Rest 2:30
Rest 6 min
This was quite miserable....challenging!
A client caught the first snippet below of my 8th and not surprisingly fastest one as I knew he was there filming. :)
Here was the break down
1. 46s
2. 34s
3. 50s
4. 33s
5. 52s
6. 33s
7. 34s
8. 26s (video)
9. 31s
10. 31s (video)
All the odds were going in one direction and the evens on the return. I had a lot of trouble making it all the way to my mark on the first 3 of the odds (sets 1, 3, 5) and then for 7&9 I was able to make it all the way in. The difference I noticed is that on the first three in that direction I started looking up for the mark when I was only about half way there. Then near the end I kept my head down & started counting what I thought to be 30s in my head before I would allow myself to look up. I would have to get off my heels to get it moving but then I would try to stay through my heels towards the middle. in some instances I would lose that ability near the end. Not exactly sure what the most favorable way would be??
Here is a video of my final set. While in the first video I look fairly composed this last video is how I felt after nearly all of them. The 2:30 did not feel like enough recovery.
120619 Tuesday 1.25 Back Squats
Sleep ~8:30-5:15a
Coaching 6:30-8:00a
Training @ 8:30a
75 min hike with Corey & dogs in afternoon
A. 1 1/4 back squat 6, 6, 6, 6, 6; rest 2:30
115lbs, 125lbs, 135lbs, 140lbs, 145lbs (video) had no idea where to start. Got tough at the end but felt solid.
B. Bent over wide grip barbell rows @41x2, 6-8x4; rest 2 min
45lbsx8, 50lbsx8, 55lbsx8, 60lbsx6-not able to keep against chest at top. (video)
C. Strict chest to bar chin ups weighted 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min
BW+10lbs (left hand supinated), BW+18lbs (Right hand supinated-missed chest on 5th), BW+22lbs (Both hands supinated)-could have gone heavier with both supinated. Felt easier at 22lbs than at 18lbs.
D. Front rack rear foot elevated split squats @33x1, 5-7x3/leg; rest 1
min bw legs
Never have done these so again had no clue where to start. Originally did 53lbs for first set and then when I got to 83lbs & felt good I decided to call the 53 a warm up and did my last set at 93lbs x 7B. (video w/left leg forward @ 93lbs). Most challenging part was upper body fatigue of holding in front rack. Was visualizing standing up some heavy FS/cleans during this!!
Good training day!!
Coaching 6:30-8:00a
Training @ 8:30a
75 min hike with Corey & dogs in afternoon
A. 1 1/4 back squat 6, 6, 6, 6, 6; rest 2:30
115lbs, 125lbs, 135lbs, 140lbs, 145lbs (video) had no idea where to start. Got tough at the end but felt solid.
B. Bent over wide grip barbell rows @41x2, 6-8x4; rest 2 min
45lbsx8, 50lbsx8, 55lbsx8, 60lbsx6-not able to keep against chest at top. (video)
C. Strict chest to bar chin ups weighted 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min
BW+10lbs (left hand supinated), BW+18lbs (Right hand supinated-missed chest on 5th), BW+22lbs (Both hands supinated)-could have gone heavier with both supinated. Felt easier at 22lbs than at 18lbs.
D. Front rack rear foot elevated split squats @33x1, 5-7x3/leg; rest 1
min bw legs
Never have done these so again had no clue where to start. Originally did 53lbs for first set and then when I got to 83lbs & felt good I decided to call the 53 a warm up and did my last set at 93lbs x 7B. (video w/left leg forward @ 93lbs). Most challenging part was upper body fatigue of holding in front rack. Was visualizing standing up some heavy FS/cleans during this!!
Good training day!!
120617 Sunday Running & Burpees
Sleep 1030p-5:30a Friends came over for dinner last night. Glad I set a 10p curfew on the dinner date as it's always so great to catch up! However, I was up before 6a without an alarm per usual.
Training @ 9:30ish
For time:
Run 800m (3:17)
10 burpees (30s)
Run 400m (1:55)
20 burpees (1:00)
run 200m (65s) needless to say NOT on a track
30 burpees(1:26)
9:14 overall. Burpees were all UB. Set of 30 the fastest & biggest push. Challenging to pick up legs on run. Goal going in was sub 10, but now that I've done it I could push for sub 9.
Skill session 60-90 min
Ended up doing this skill session late Monday morning. in two 30 minute sessions with a 30 minute coaching session sandwiched in there. Felt pretty lost on what to do but wrote some stuff that I did do on the board board.
MU: 3, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1
Ring dip: 3, 3, 3
L-sits: 8 sets of 10s. Ugh
1 wall walk w/10s HS hold
HSPUs 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3 (30 total)
KB sn w/35lbs 5/arm twice
DUs 17, 10 enough of that (I'm horrible if I'm not shooting for a number)
GHD sit-ups 10, 10, 10, 10
C2B BAHs: 10s, 15s, 15s
wall balls: 14lbs-9' x 10, 14lbs-10' x 5, 5 20lbs-10' x 4
some handstand walk practice. never able to do more than ~6ft at a time. and didn't track how much I did. Really rusty here.
Training @ 9:30ish
For time:
Run 800m (3:17)
10 burpees (30s)
Run 400m (1:55)
20 burpees (1:00)
run 200m (65s) needless to say NOT on a track
30 burpees(1:26)
9:14 overall. Burpees were all UB. Set of 30 the fastest & biggest push. Challenging to pick up legs on run. Goal going in was sub 10, but now that I've done it I could push for sub 9.
Skill session 60-90 min
Ended up doing this skill session late Monday morning. in two 30 minute sessions with a 30 minute coaching session sandwiched in there. Felt pretty lost on what to do but wrote some stuff that I did do on the board board.
MU: 3, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1
Ring dip: 3, 3, 3
L-sits: 8 sets of 10s. Ugh
1 wall walk w/10s HS hold
HSPUs 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3 (30 total)
KB sn w/35lbs 5/arm twice
DUs 17, 10 enough of that (I'm horrible if I'm not shooting for a number)
GHD sit-ups 10, 10, 10, 10
C2B BAHs: 10s, 15s, 15s
wall balls: 14lbs-9' x 10, 14lbs-10' x 5, 5 20lbs-10' x 4
some handstand walk practice. never able to do more than ~6ft at a time. and didn't track how much I did. Really rusty here.
Monday, June 18, 2012
120616 Saturday Hang Clean PB!
Sleep ~8:30-5a
Didn't get my new program until after I had started working out this morning so I did the A&B of Saturday's Being group with Amber & Becca. Then JUST before we were about to start the 100 OHS for time at 65lbs I rechecked my email and had received my program. Saved by the email! Wahoo! As such, it turned out to be quite a day of squatting...
A. Speed back squat @50% 1rm 3 reps x20 sets; rest 45 sec (rest 1 min
bw sets 4/5, 10/11, 15/16) Used 100lbs & called it after 15 sets as I felt like I was losing the focus required to stand fast!
Set 15B. Hang squat clean; build to a tough single
123, 133, 143, 148, 153, 158lbs (10lbs PB) up from 2 wks ago.
C. Snatch balance 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
83lbs, 93, 93 Missed the first one of the last set forward and had to re-rack. Hate the feeling of bringing it back down behind my head. I'd go heavier if I could drop it each time and take it off the rack.
D. Push jerk 3x3; rest 2:30
113lbs, 123lbs, 128lbs. Feels easier to repack in front position but I still dislike the feeling of bringing it down once I'm over ~115lbs.
Overall, happy with the day!
Didn't get my new program until after I had started working out this morning so I did the A&B of Saturday's Being group with Amber & Becca. Then JUST before we were about to start the 100 OHS for time at 65lbs I rechecked my email and had received my program. Saved by the email! Wahoo! As such, it turned out to be quite a day of squatting...
A. OHS - build to a tough 3 fast; rest as needed
75x3, 95x3, 110x3, 120x3, 130x1 F on 2nd. Argh! Not feeling super focused & OHS will get you if you're not focused in.
B. 1 tough hang squat snatch every 30 sec for 6 min
Used 103lbs which is ~91% of my 112lb hang snatch max. Missed 3, completed 9.
bw sets 4/5, 10/11, 15/16) Used 100lbs & called it after 15 sets as I felt like I was losing the focus required to stand fast!
Set 15B. Hang squat clean; build to a tough single
123, 133, 143, 148, 153, 158lbs (10lbs PB) up from 2 wks ago.
C. Snatch balance 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
83lbs, 93, 93 Missed the first one of the last set forward and had to re-rack. Hate the feeling of bringing it back down behind my head. I'd go heavier if I could drop it each time and take it off the rack.
D. Push jerk 3x3; rest 2:30
113lbs, 123lbs, 128lbs. Feels easier to repack in front position but I still dislike the feeling of bringing it down once I'm over ~115lbs.
Overall, happy with the day!
120614 Filthy Fifty
Sleep ~9p-7:30a
Coached 9:30-12:30
40 min hike with dogs @ 2:30
Training @ 1:00
Felt well rested. Wall balls with the 20lbers absolutely owned me mentally. Also felt slow on the K2Es.
On a positive note the last time I did this workout I remember only being able to do 1 DU at a time and it was more like a tuck jump and fast revolution. I recall the DU taking ~10 minutes alone and the whole thing around 45-50min. This would have been 2008 and I definitely didn't use a 20lb or 10ft target for the wall ball portion. Next time I'm going to be more prepared for the wall balls and more aggressive.
50 box jumps (24") 2:40
50 jumping pull-ups 1:20/4:10 overall
50 KBS (35lbs) UB 1:40/6:05 overall
50 walking lunges UB 1:20/7:25 overall
50 K2E very broken 3:10/10:45 overall
50 Push-press (45lbs) 2:15/13:00 overall
50 Back extensions 2:15/15:15 overall
50 Wall balls (20lbs/10ft) 6:25/21:40 overall
50 Burpees 3:35/25:15 overall
50 Double unders UB 35s
Today 25:50 overall Sorry I forgot to add music to the video & the sound of the video in fast forward is quite annoying. I'd recommend muting it! ;)
Coached 9:30-12:30
40 min hike with dogs @ 2:30
Training @ 1:00
Felt well rested. Wall balls with the 20lbers absolutely owned me mentally. Also felt slow on the K2Es.
On a positive note the last time I did this workout I remember only being able to do 1 DU at a time and it was more like a tuck jump and fast revolution. I recall the DU taking ~10 minutes alone and the whole thing around 45-50min. This would have been 2008 and I definitely didn't use a 20lb or 10ft target for the wall ball portion. Next time I'm going to be more prepared for the wall balls and more aggressive.
50 box jumps (24") 2:40
50 jumping pull-ups 1:20/4:10 overall
50 KBS (35lbs) UB 1:40/6:05 overall
50 walking lunges UB 1:20/7:25 overall
50 K2E very broken 3:10/10:45 overall
50 Push-press (45lbs) 2:15/13:00 overall
50 Back extensions 2:15/15:15 overall
50 Wall balls (20lbs/10ft) 6:25/21:40 overall
50 Burpees 3:35/25:15 overall
50 Double unders UB 35s
Today 25:50 overall Sorry I forgot to add music to the video & the sound of the video in fast forward is quite annoying. I'd recommend muting it! ;)
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
1k Swim Mystery Solved!
I had originally swam a 1k time trail back in November while visiting home in Ohio. I thought I had swam a 12:54 at that point. Not knowing anything about swimming times this meant nothing to me.
However, it came up again recently on May 20th and I was all frustrated that I didn't have a watch and had the wall clock time me at around 17:50. I didn't feel as if I could have been that much slower, but it's clear now that my time in November was a mistake. Whether I didn't understand the size of the pool or if I had a real inability to count laps will remain a mystery.
How did I crack the case? Quite simply I added up the times of my 10x100m from Monday and realized that with 1 min rest b/w sets my cumulative 1k time was 16:30. Which would mean the 17:50 for a continuos swim that I inhaled water the first couple of laps and struggled with my breathing for much of it after going out too hard makes total sense.
We can all sleep better now. :)
However, it came up again recently on May 20th and I was all frustrated that I didn't have a watch and had the wall clock time me at around 17:50. I didn't feel as if I could have been that much slower, but it's clear now that my time in November was a mistake. Whether I didn't understand the size of the pool or if I had a real inability to count laps will remain a mystery.
How did I crack the case? Quite simply I added up the times of my 10x100m from Monday and realized that with 1 min rest b/w sets my cumulative 1k time was 16:30. Which would mean the 17:50 for a continuos swim that I inhaled water the first couple of laps and struggled with my breathing for much of it after going out too hard makes total sense.
We can all sleep better now. :)
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We love our ruffles in AVL. But no we don't plan our outfits. |
120613 AirDyne Wednesday
Sleep ~9p-4a Much sleepier today. Get to sleep in a bit tomorrow!
Coaching 6:30-8:30
Ate some greens/chicken salad & avocado at 5:30am which is a bit unusual for me on workout days. Felt hungry this morning so I ate.
Training @ 9:00
20 seconds Airdyne @100%
Rest 2:40
1. 16cals
2. 14cals
3. 14cals
4. 13cals
5. 13 cals
One of the most miserable things i have done in well as long as I can remember. I'd rather do 200 wall balls. My quads were burning like crazy...crazy! I guess I need to work on engaging my posterior more when I'm out of the saddle.
Hard to get breathing controlled and back to normal before sets 4 & 5. 2:40 goes very fast when you have to go that hard. That bike is evil.
Coaching 6:30-8:30
Ate some greens/chicken salad & avocado at 5:30am which is a bit unusual for me on workout days. Felt hungry this morning so I ate.
Training @ 9:00
20 seconds Airdyne @100%
Rest 2:40
1. 16cals
2. 14cals
3. 14cals
4. 13cals
5. 13 cals
One of the most miserable things i have done in well as long as I can remember. I'd rather do 200 wall balls. My quads were burning like crazy...crazy! I guess I need to work on engaging my posterior more when I'm out of the saddle.
Hard to get breathing controlled and back to normal before sets 4 & 5. 2:40 goes very fast when you have to go that hard. That bike is evil.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
120612 Naked Feet Squatting
Sleep 8:30-4:15
Sleepy when that alarm goes off by good energy today.
Coaching 5;30-7:30 & 9:00-12:30
Training @ 7:30
A. Back squat @31x1, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; rest 2 min
145lbsx5, 155lbsx4, 160lbsx3, 170lbsx2, 180lbsx1 Felt great today! I always feel really good after dynamic effort squatting. These felt MUCH better than last Tuesday's squats & they looked better too!
B. Supinated grip chin up clusters 2.2.2x3; rest 15 seconds/rest 2 min
(~90% 2rm) 45lbs for all. Tough!
C. Russian step ups 12-15x3/leg; rest 90 sec bw legs
Used 20" box with 20lbs DBs for each setx15/leg. Tough. Was swinging DBs a bit on first set to create some momentum...Corey caught me.
D. Knees to elbows 30 for time; rest 3 min x3
30 UB each set: 45s, 44s, 46s. Surprised myself here!
Sleepy when that alarm goes off by good energy today.
Coaching 5;30-7:30 & 9:00-12:30
Training @ 7:30
A. Back squat @31x1, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; rest 2 min
145lbsx5, 155lbsx4, 160lbsx3, 170lbsx2, 180lbsx1 Felt great today! I always feel really good after dynamic effort squatting. These felt MUCH better than last Tuesday's squats & they looked better too!
B. Supinated grip chin up clusters 2.2.2x3; rest 15 seconds/rest 2 min
(~90% 2rm) 45lbs for all. Tough!
C. Russian step ups 12-15x3/leg; rest 90 sec bw legs
Used 20" box with 20lbs DBs for each setx15/leg. Tough. Was swinging DBs a bit on first set to create some momentum...Corey caught me.
D. Knees to elbows 30 for time; rest 3 min x3
30 UB each set: 45s, 44s, 46s. Surprised myself here!
Monday, June 11, 2012
120611 Intervals in the Pool
Sleep ~9-4a
Swim @ 2:30p
50m warm up and go...Corey is waiting in the car & I prefer to be in and done when it comes to swimming.
10x100m @ 85%
Rest 1 min
1. 1;35
2. 1:37
3. 1;37
4. 1:41 (missed wall on one flip turn)
5. 1:43 (delta starting to fatigue-I don't think I use my hips/LB nearly enough)
6. 1:40
7. 1:40
8. 1:42
9. 1:39
10. 1:36
Cool down walk to showers & sit in sauna to dry off. Was a lady in there doing contrasts by jumping into a cold shower and immediately coming into sauna. Good stuff.
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Gym "guard" dogs |
Swim @ 2:30p
50m warm up and go...Corey is waiting in the car & I prefer to be in and done when it comes to swimming.
10x100m @ 85%
Rest 1 min
1. 1;35
2. 1:37
3. 1;37
4. 1:41 (missed wall on one flip turn)
5. 1:43 (delta starting to fatigue-I don't think I use my hips/LB nearly enough)
6. 1:40
7. 1:40
8. 1:42
9. 1:39
10. 1:36
Cool down walk to showers & sit in sauna to dry off. Was a lady in there doing contrasts by jumping into a cold shower and immediately coming into sauna. Good stuff.
Training 120610 Ladies Hiking Group
Sleep 10p-5a woke w/out alarm unable to fall back asleep although I tried several times.
Joined up with CFA's Ladies Hiking Group to hit up Max Patch at 10am. We had a great time with an overcast but nonetheless beautiful 90 minute hike around the bald.
Afterwards we came back to my place for brunch being that I live on the Max Patch side of town and we might as well enjoy some company at our country rental before we make the transition back to city living here hopefully very soon!!
What was intended to be brunch turned into almost dinner as people didn't leave until close to 4;00 and needless to say I didn't make the drive into town to try to catch a swim at the Y before they close. It's rare that I don't get my workout done on the assigned day, but Sundays are usually more breathing work anyhow. Monday it is!
Joined up with CFA's Ladies Hiking Group to hit up Max Patch at 10am. We had a great time with an overcast but nonetheless beautiful 90 minute hike around the bald.
Afterwards we came back to my place for brunch being that I live on the Max Patch side of town and we might as well enjoy some company at our country rental before we make the transition back to city living here hopefully very soon!!
What was intended to be brunch turned into almost dinner as people didn't leave until close to 4;00 and needless to say I didn't make the drive into town to try to catch a swim at the Y before they close. It's rare that I don't get my workout done on the assigned day, but Sundays are usually more breathing work anyhow. Monday it is!
Training 120609
A. Speed Box squat with chains 40% 1rm +20% in chains (total weight
60% 1rm); 3 reps x10; rest 1 min bw sets
80lbs on bar plus loaded both sets of chains that I have. It felt like it would have been around 120lbs, but do not know what the chains weigh as we do not have a scale.
B1. OHS 10, 10, 10; rest 90 seconds
85lbs, 95lbs, 105lbs
B2. COVP chin ups amrap x3; rest 90 seconds
27, 23, 21 grip killed on last two sets. did traditional kip as I wasn't sure I'd get chin over bar especially with how are pull up bars have the double bar on top so I was afraid to hit my head on BF kip. Forgot how much harder traditional kip is!
C. GHD sit ups 100 for time
This was tough in ways I didn't imagine. I thought my midsection would give out and sometimes I can feel some instability in my low back (clunking in the bottom) but that was not the issue. Rather my lateral shins and particularly my adductors were burning/borderline cramping for much of the second half. I kept stopping between reps and grabbing onto the top of the GHD with my hands to take the tension off my legs at least momentarily.
I originally noticed some tension in my adductors on the trail run intervals last Sunday. I mentioned it to Corey but then forgot about it every time I had manual work this week and we have been focusing on trying to improve my shoulder int rotation as it is problematic in my snatch work. But today Corey dug into my adductors and found some junk/scar tissue there. Fun times.
Splits were 25 in 1:00
50 in 2:30 (1:30)
75 in 4:15 (1:45)
100 in 5:59 (1:44)
D. Powell raises 40x0, 8-10x3/arm; rest 1 min bw arms
Completed at the end of the morning.
10x8lbs, 10x10lbs, 8x12lbsB. Tough
60% 1rm); 3 reps x10; rest 1 min bw sets
80lbs on bar plus loaded both sets of chains that I have. It felt like it would have been around 120lbs, but do not know what the chains weigh as we do not have a scale.
B1. OHS 10, 10, 10; rest 90 seconds
85lbs, 95lbs, 105lbs
B2. COVP chin ups amrap x3; rest 90 seconds
27, 23, 21 grip killed on last two sets. did traditional kip as I wasn't sure I'd get chin over bar especially with how are pull up bars have the double bar on top so I was afraid to hit my head on BF kip. Forgot how much harder traditional kip is!
C. GHD sit ups 100 for time
This was tough in ways I didn't imagine. I thought my midsection would give out and sometimes I can feel some instability in my low back (clunking in the bottom) but that was not the issue. Rather my lateral shins and particularly my adductors were burning/borderline cramping for much of the second half. I kept stopping between reps and grabbing onto the top of the GHD with my hands to take the tension off my legs at least momentarily.
I originally noticed some tension in my adductors on the trail run intervals last Sunday. I mentioned it to Corey but then forgot about it every time I had manual work this week and we have been focusing on trying to improve my shoulder int rotation as it is problematic in my snatch work. But today Corey dug into my adductors and found some junk/scar tissue there. Fun times.
Splits were 25 in 1:00
50 in 2:30 (1:30)
75 in 4:15 (1:45)
100 in 5:59 (1:44)
D. Powell raises 40x0, 8-10x3/arm; rest 1 min bw arms
Completed at the end of the morning.
10x8lbs, 10x10lbs, 8x12lbsB. Tough
120607 Learning to "LOVE" WBs & Rowing!
Sleep 8:30p-4a
Coaching 5:30-7:30
Training @ 9a
For time:
20 shoulder to OH 115#
200 wall balls
Row 2k
The breakdown was as follows:
S2O 7, 3, 4, 4, 2 (3:30)
30s before I transitioned to WBs
20 sets of 10 with the following splits for every 50
1st 50 in 3:30
2nd 50 in 3:40 (7:10)
3rd 50 in 4:30 (mental!!!) (11:40)
4th 50 in 3:40 (15:20 for 200) 19:20 for overall clock at this point
Slow transition again to the rower...went to get some water first.
500m row splits:
1st 500m in 2:14
2nd 500m in 2:17 Hands were super slippery to grip the handle for much of it.
3rd 500m in 2:18
4th 500m in 2:08 (I could FINALLY see the light!) i dug the final minute. It hurt.
8:57 overall
29:30 for the whole kit & caboodle! Perhaps my longest since I started working with James.
I was not thrilled about this one as anyone who knows me may imagine. I was hoping to be faster. I actually had the goal of PBing my "Karen" time during the wall balls (would have needed a 9:33 at the 150 mark & I was 11:40 for 150 I did a good job of taking it for what it was and working my way through it. The old me would have been pissy about it the whole time and beat myself up over it, but I'm looking to be in this sport/my business for the long run not only physically but mentally.
On days that I'm not feeling super motivated I just do what I can and sometimes I even catch some inspiration mid-workout and it turns out really well. It's definitely my habit to get angry at myself & replay over & over where I should have/could have done better.
I do acknowledge where I could improve (today and commonly for many the 3/4ers portion of a workout) as that is how I learn from each experience. During track we always talked about the 400-600m of an 800 or the 800-1200 portion of a mile. The 2nd mile of a 5k. It's much easier to kick it in for a strong finish, but not so easy when you realize I'm halfway and this hurts...takes real focus & determination to push the middle. I'll get there.
It's all learning. Learning & growing one day, one rep at a time.
Coaching 5:30-7:30
Training @ 9a
For time:
20 shoulder to OH 115#
200 wall balls
Row 2k
The breakdown was as follows:
S2O 7, 3, 4, 4, 2 (3:30)
30s before I transitioned to WBs
20 sets of 10 with the following splits for every 50
1st 50 in 3:30
2nd 50 in 3:40 (7:10)
3rd 50 in 4:30 (mental!!!) (11:40)
4th 50 in 3:40 (15:20 for 200) 19:20 for overall clock at this point
Slow transition again to the rower...went to get some water first.
500m row splits:
1st 500m in 2:14
2nd 500m in 2:17 Hands were super slippery to grip the handle for much of it.
3rd 500m in 2:18
4th 500m in 2:08 (I could FINALLY see the light!) i dug the final minute. It hurt.
8:57 overall
29:30 for the whole kit & caboodle! Perhaps my longest since I started working with James.
I was not thrilled about this one as anyone who knows me may imagine. I was hoping to be faster. I actually had the goal of PBing my "Karen" time during the wall balls (would have needed a 9:33 at the 150 mark & I was 11:40 for 150 I did a good job of taking it for what it was and working my way through it. The old me would have been pissy about it the whole time and beat myself up over it, but I'm looking to be in this sport/my business for the long run not only physically but mentally.
On days that I'm not feeling super motivated I just do what I can and sometimes I even catch some inspiration mid-workout and it turns out really well. It's definitely my habit to get angry at myself & replay over & over where I should have/could have done better.
I do acknowledge where I could improve (today and commonly for many the 3/4ers portion of a workout) as that is how I learn from each experience. During track we always talked about the 400-600m of an 800 or the 800-1200 portion of a mile. The 2nd mile of a 5k. It's much easier to kick it in for a strong finish, but not so easy when you realize I'm halfway and this hurts...takes real focus & determination to push the middle. I'll get there.
It's all learning. Learning & growing one day, one rep at a time.
Wednesday 120606
Sleep 9p-5a
Coaching 6;30-8:30
Training @ 9:30 fasted (except coffee)
A. Power snatch TnG 3, 3, 3; rest 3 min
93lbs, 98lbs, 103lbs. TnG was questionable on all & depth was a bit deep on 103lbs although it felt shallow when I did it.
5 TnG power snatch
15 burpees AFAP
Rest 2:15
1. 83lb, 46s
2. 88lbs, 47s
3. 88lbs, 55s
4. 88lbs, 52s
5. 88lbs, 56s ugh burpees!
Rest 6 min
5 TnG power snatch
amrap hspu unbroken
Airdyne 15 seconds @100%
Rest 2:30
1. 83lbs 12kipping 5/8 it rolled right at 20s
2. 83lbs 6 strict, 6 cals
3. 83lbs 6 strict, 6 cals
4. 88lbs, 7 strict, 4 cals
5. 88lbs, 4 strict, ?
ugh. HSPUs felt horrible, but realized that I haven't done a single one in almost exactly a month since Diane at Regionals. Airdyne is evil.
Coaching 6;30-8:30
Training @ 9:30 fasted (except coffee)
A. Power snatch TnG 3, 3, 3; rest 3 min
93lbs, 98lbs, 103lbs. TnG was questionable on all & depth was a bit deep on 103lbs although it felt shallow when I did it.
5 TnG power snatch
15 burpees AFAP
Rest 2:15
1. 83lb, 46s
2. 88lbs, 47s
3. 88lbs, 55s
4. 88lbs, 52s
5. 88lbs, 56s ugh burpees!
Rest 6 min
5 TnG power snatch
amrap hspu unbroken
Airdyne 15 seconds @100%
Rest 2:30
1. 83lbs 12kipping 5/8 it rolled right at 20s
2. 83lbs 6 strict, 6 cals
3. 83lbs 6 strict, 6 cals
4. 88lbs, 7 strict, 4 cals
5. 88lbs, 4 strict, ?
ugh. HSPUs felt horrible, but realized that I haven't done a single one in almost exactly a month since Diane at Regionals. Airdyne is evil.
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