Thursday, September 19, 2013

9/18 & 9/19

Sleep ~9p-4:30a
30 min AD Z1
perform 2 DH2I every 5 min
Done RPMs 54-58

50m freestyle @ 80%
rest 20 sec

60 minute hike in woods with friend.  Good social time outside the gym. 
Came home at night did 3 loads of laundry and baked a bunch of sweet potatoes and then mashed with coconut milk, steamed kale, broccoli, 2lbs of lamb burgers and prepped a pork shoulder roast for the crock pot tomorrow.  Successful evening! 

Sleep: ~9/9:30-1a, awake.  Tossed and turned until almost 2 and then I got up and took care of some of the emails that were running through my mind.  Went back to bed, but failed to fall asleep.  About 3:45 I got up and embraced the day.  I did some more reading while I was in bed and this was a great section to read for the day. "...Before we even sit up in bed, before our feet touch the floor, we're already inadequate, already behind, already losing, already lacking something.  And by the time we go to bed at night, our minds race with a litany of what we didn't get, or didn't get done, that day.  We go to sleep burdened by those thoughts and wake up to the reverie of lack..."
I took this into account for my day.  I definitely didn't sleep ideally and wanted to ho-hum over how "I'm so tired" and be all mad that I didn't get my sleep.  BUT that wasn't going to help me be successful with what I needed to get done in the day.  So instead I embraced my day with the thought that I have enough, I am enough and that I will do enough during the day.   While I know I cannot sleep this little day in and day out.  I had probably my most productive day of the week and with only my normal one cup of coffee in the morning pre-training.  

AD 90 sec on/1 min off
Done.  RPMs 65-70.  Ave 66-68
Checked the cals at the end of each.  Had a couple 27s and one 24, but mostly 25s across with maybe a 26 in there. (Exact numbers were erased off whiteboard) 
A. HBBS @20X1; 60% 1RM x5 emom for 4 min + 65% 1RM x3 emom for 6 min
Done@ 135 &145lbs. 
90% effort:
thruster 125#
CTB chin ups
90% effort:
3 rounds:
10 front rack reverse lunges 105# steady & ub
15 hspu 8, 5, 2.  5, 3, 2, 3, 2

Crazy feeling with the hspu from the front rack lunge.  

Early afternoon hike with my friend and her 6 week baby!  We walked for 75 minutes at Bent Creek.  Great company! 

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