Sleep ~In bed around 10:30p but not sure when I fell fully asleep 12?-6:30a
Went out to check out the local Circus performance in which one of my clients had her acrobatic debut! As such, out a bit later than normal last night. Took a melatonin as I was dealing with a bit of anxiety wanting to fall asleep. That too tired to keep my eyes open to read, but too much on the mind when you close them.
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Sarah and her human push press! |
A. Clean and jerk - build to a max Revenge after last week's C&J debacle. Becca maxed her snatch and then C&J today so we shared a bar during the C&J. Was great to share a bar with someone! 75x2, 95x2, 1x 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 170 F jerk, 170, 175 F the jerk & caught the clean low, but had the squat strength to still stand it up. (Always so thankful for this! Cleans feel so much easier!!) Called it.
A. Clean and jerk - build to a max Revenge after last week's C&J debacle. Becca maxed her snatch and then C&J today so we shared a bar during the C&J. Was great to share a bar with someone! 75x2, 95x2, 1x 115, 125, 135, 145, 155, 165, 170 F jerk, 170, 175 F the jerk & caught the clean low, but had the squat strength to still stand it up. (Always so thankful for this! Cleans feel so much easier!!) Called it.
B. Standing triple jump - build to a max in 5 attempts
Didn't measure any of these, but guesstimated based off 6' stall mats.
First ~15, ~17, ~18, ~18.5, ~18-19.
Lloyd and I were playing "chicken" on the last one.
10:30a C. 500m @97%; rest 90 sec; row 500m @100%
Wasn't super pumped for this, but I was ready not to let the rower win. :)
1:53.3 held back a bit more at the start on the first compared to last week. Was holding around a 1:52 for a bit, but fell off a bit at the end.
1:53.6 Tried to attack a bit more from the start, but pace didn't really reflect. Had to fight to hand on to the 1:53 the final 200m. Haven't dug like that on a row in awhile. Focused on sets of 5 tough pulls. It got me through!
Not stoked about score, but pleased with effort. Looking forward to what I'll hit in two weeks after catching up on sleep and hittingsome good training in AZ for the next two weeks. (Fly out late Monday morning!)
11-12 coaching.
10 min amrap:
15 kb swings 1.5pd
10 pushups
5 toes to bar
Thought about coming back later, but then just opted to knock it out.
3 Rnds + 18 reps at half way
7+4 overall
Broke the KBs in 9 & 6 on Round 3 and then I decided that it was easier to just do 15 straight when I could than to put it on the ground and have to re-decide to pick up the bell. The mantra came back to me during this one that I had a couple Saturdays ago at the end of a wall-ball session, "show what you CAN do." vs my habit to think about what I can't do. Instead of giving up on the swings and resting I mentally segment the work. in my mind I'm counting out 5 sets of 3. By the time I get to 9 it feels a little tough, but very doable to do 2 more sets of 3.
Rest 7 minutes then...
run 200m @ OPTathlon pace
rest 30 sec
rest as needed
49/50, 51, 50/51, 49, 47, 48, 47, 47, 45, 47, 47, 47
Did all 12 with 30s rest. Didn't feel any need to rest longer after 6. Running felt really good today. Easy to hold good posture, breathing & stride both felt powerful. Fun session. Love the running repeats!
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