Tuesday, September 24, 2013

9/24 AM "Incremental EMOM"

emom incremental
odd - 2 burpees, add 2 each minute to max
even - 2 kbs 1.5 pd, add 2 each minute to max
(when u reach top end in one, session is over)
Made it through 20 burpees in 59s and then 16 of the 20 KBS.  Didn't want it.  Took close to 20s to pick up the bell. Did 9 then rested and finished out with 7 swings until time expired. 

rest 5 min exactly

emom - 12 min
odd - AD 15 sec max effort  Pedal RPMs of 89, 91, 93, 95, 97, 95.  Not throughout the 15s, but would get up to this by the end. 
even - 1 MU + 1 ring dip + 15 sec knee tuck high L sit
Done.  Tuck sits tough but doable.  Probably not prettiest posture. Was hearing my husband's voice: "chest up, shoulders back..." :) 

rest 3 min exactly

Row 500 m OPTathlon start work
20 sec max effort; rest completely x 6 sets
Average pace at the end of each 20s: 
1. 1:57.4
2. 1:51.6
3. 1:52.0
4. 1:52.9
5. 1:49.5
6. 1:51.1 
All over the place.  
Feeling like not enough food in mid-day.  Woozy feeling and not much dig. 

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