Monday, September 30, 2013

9/30 PM "Elizabeth"

5PM Warmed up well.  Tricep feelign funny, but not worse after dips.  Particularly aware when I bring my arm overhead fully extended.  Thinking it may be some lat as well. 
21,15,9 rep rounds for time:
PC - 95#
Ring Dips-My posture in the top position can definitely use some attention & work. 
5:23. May have been a PR.  Didn't push the limits with the dips.  Had a stronger push towards the end than expecting.  Think I could have taken shorter rest b/w sets.
Swear I've done this one before, but cannot find any posts on it. 

rest as needed
Rest 22 minutes 
Not feeling sharp tonight, but good learning.  

for time:
25 DU's Tripped to start and then UB. 
25 PS - 65#  Didn't have it in my head that I could go UB on this and so didn't have the mental to hang on after 18.  Looking back I know I could have just finished them.  Lost the "1 rep at a time" focus and started thinking about how many more which caused me to drop. 
25 burpees  Still learning to trust myself.  Picked up the burpee pace 5-10 and then right at 10 I felt myself start to get hot and I pulled back a touch.  When I finished I knew I could have pushed faster.  DUs were not as challenging as I thought at the end.  Need to remember how great I felt to transition quick during Helen on Saturday. Feeling that I'm getting to a point where my body is learning to adapt and switch gears faster.  
25 DU's  ub

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