Sunday, January 22, 2012

Training 1/21/12 Clean Grip DL 3x245lbs

Sleep 8p-5:30a (up at 1:30 for an hr or so) Felt rested.  Didn't even finish my travel mug this morning. 

Training @ 7am
A. clean grip DL - take up to tough 3 in 3 sets; short rest - NOT a 3RM or any fails
I didn't know the weight on the bar once I went to 220lbs til after but it went like this: 
Warm-ups 5x135, 165, 185, 205lbs. Then, 3x220lbs, 235lbs, 245lbs. Rested long enough to change weights & reset the camera. 

B. HSPU - 1-5-1-5 ladder for time - unbroken reps
Time: 3:15. Finished the first 1-5 ladder in 58s.  Didn't have any missed sets, but waited longer to get back to the wall during the second set.  Watching the video I rested 20-30s before the second set of 4 & 5. I am slow in lowering down.  I need to keep working on moving faster.  

C. KBS - 10 tough; rest 1 min x 3
10x 1.5pood, 10x 62lbs, 10x 2pood Whew that 2 pood took 2-3 warm up swings before I got it going overhead and had to work hard to keep reps 8-10 going.  I don't pick that guy up very often and I'm not sure if I've done a full swing with it previously.  Maybe. 

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